1. In their review of implementation of CSCE commitments in the human dimension, the participating States based their discussion on the community of values established among them, which is reflected in the high standards created within the CSCE. During the discussion, it was noted that major progress had been made in compliance with human dimension commitments. The participating States acknowledged, however, that there was a serious deterioration in some areas and a need for action against the continuing violations of human rights and manifestations of aggressive nationalism, such as territorial expansionism, as well as racism, chauvinism, xenophobia and anti-semitism, which continue to cause human suffering.
2. Human rights and fundamental freedoms, the rule of law and democratic institutions are the foundations of peace and security, representing a crucial contribution to conflict prevention, within a comprehensive concept of security. The protection of human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to national minorities, is an essential foundation of democratic civil society. Neglect of these rights has, in severe cases, contributed to extremism, regional instability and conflict. The participating States confirmed that issues of implementation of CSCE commitments are of legitimate and common concern to all participating States, and that the raising of these problems in the co-operative and result-oriented spirit of the CSCE was therefore a positive exercise. They undertook to encourage implementation of CSCE commitments through enhanced dialogue, implementation reviews and mechanisms. They will broaden the operational framework of the CSCE, in particular by enhancing the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), increasing its involvement in the work of the Permanent Council and mission activity, and furthering co-operation with international organizations and institutions active in human dimension areas.
3. The participation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) was a welcome addition to the implementation review. In their statements, these organizations contributed ideas and raised issues of concern for participating States to take into consideration. They also informed the participating States of their activities, such as in the area of conflict prevention and resolution. The experience of the Budapest Review Conference invites further consideration with regard to promoting within the CSCE the dialogue between governments and NGOs of the participating States, in addition to State-to-State dialogue.
4. Reaffirming their commitments in the human dimension, the participating States, while considering it essential to concentrate their efforts on the implementation of existing CSCE commitments, decide to enhance the framework of their co-operation and to this end adopt the following:
Enhancing implementation
5. Building on the implementation review structures in the Helsinki Document 1992 and to improve human dimension implementation, the participating States will use the Permanent Council for an enhanced dialogue on the human dimension and for possible action in cases of non-implementation. To this end, the participating States decide that human dimension issues will be regularly dealt with by the Permanent Council. They will draw more widely on the possibilities offered by the Moscow Mechanism for examining or promoting the solution of questions relating to the human dimension on their territory.
6. They encourage the Chairman-in-Office to inform the Permanent Council of serious cases of alleged non-implementation of human dimension commitments, including on the basis of information from the ODIHR, reports and recommendations of the High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM), or reports of the head of a CSCE mission and information from the State concerned.
7. The participating States reconfirm their appreciation for the HCNM, who has, fully in line with his mandate, been able to focus on, and to successfully address a number of national minority issues, taking also into account specific situations of participating States and of parties directly concerned.
They encourage the HCNM to continue his present activities, and support him on taking up new and further ones, including those related to his recommendations. They will increase their efforts to implement these recommendations.
Role of the ODIHR
8. The ODIHR, as the main institution of the human dimension, in consultation with the Chairman-in-Office, will, acting in an advisory capacity, participate in discussions of the Senior Council and the Permanent Council, by reporting at regular intervals on its activities and providing information on implementation issues. It will provide supporting material for the annual review of implementation and, where necessary, clarify or supplement information received. Acting in close consultation with the Chairman-in-Office, the Director of the ODIHR may propose further action.
9. The participating States recognize the need for enhanced co-operation through the ODIHR with other international organizations and institutions active in the human dimension, including among others the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, for the exchange of information, including reports, and for further developing of future-oriented activities, such as outlined in the present document.
10. The participating States decide to
- enhance the CSCE's co-operation with other international organizations and institutions, in particular UNHCR and IOM, with a view to contributing to UNHCR's preparation of a regional conference to address the problems of refugees, displaced persons, other forms of involuntary displacement and returnees in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and other interested neighbouring States, by establishing, after consultation in the informal Financial Committee, a temporary position, financed by voluntary contributions for a migration expert;
- task the ODIHR to act as a clearing-house for the exchange of information on media issues in the region, and encourage governments, journalists and NGOs to provide the ODIHR with information on the situation of the media.
11. The ODIHR will be consulted on a CSCE mission's mandate before adoption and will contribute to the follow-up of mission reports as decided by the Permanent Council. The ODIHR's knowledge of experts on the human dimension should be used to help to staff CSCE missions. These missions will also designate a mission member to liaise with the ODIHR and with NGOs on human dimension issues.
12. The ODIHR will play an enhanced role in election monitoring, before, during and after elections. In this context, the ODIHR should assess the conditions for the free and independent functioning of the media.
The participating States request that co-ordination between the various organizations monitoring elections be improved, and task the ODIHR to consult all relevant organizations in order to develop a framework for co-ordination in this field.
In order to enhance election monitoring preparations and procedures, the ODIHR will also devise a handbook for election monitors and set up a rolling calendar for upcoming elections.
13. The provisions mentioned in the human dimension chapter of this document do not in any way constitute a change in the mandate of either the ODIHR or the HCNM.
ODIHR seminars
14. The number of large-scale human dimension seminars will as a rule be reduced to two per year. They will focus on topics which are of the broadest interest.
There will be more emphasis on regional seminars. Where appropriate they will form part of the Programme of Co-ordinated Support. These seminars should seek full participation from States in the region in which they are held. The ODIHR is requested to present to the Permanent Council a report on how to increase the effectiveness of human dimension seminars. Whilst these seminars will not produce a negotiated document, particular attention should be given to improving follow-up.
15. A large number of possible subjects for seminars, both large-scale and regional, was suggested during the Review Conference. The Executive Secretariat kept a list, which will be passed on to the Permanent Council. In conformity with the relevant provisions of the Helsinki Document 1992, the Permanent Council will establish an annual work programme including the titles, dates and venues of such seminars, taking into account the advice of the ODIHR and the HCNM.
16. The participating States welcomed the offer of Romania to host an International Seminar on Tolerance in Bucharest under the auspices of the ODIHR and the Council of Europe, in co-operation with UNESCO, in the context of the 1995 International Year of Tolerance.
Role of NGOs
17. The participating States and CSCE institutions will provide opportunities for increased involvement of NGOs in CSCE activities as foreseen in Chapter IV of the Helsinki Document 1992. They will search for ways in which the CSCE can best make use of the work and information provided by NGOs. The Secretary General is requested to make a study on how participation of NGOs can be further enhanced.
Rule of law
18. The participating States emphasize that all action by public authorities must be consistent with the rule of law, thus guaranteeing legal security for the individual.
They also emphasize the need for protection of human rights defenders and look forward to the completion and adoption, in the framework of the United Nations, of the draft declaration on the "Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms".
Capital punishment
19. The participating States reconfirm their commitments in the Copenhagen and Moscow Documents concerning the question of capital punishment.
Prevention of torture
20. The participating States strongly condemn all forms of torture as one of the most flagrant violations of human rights and human dignity. They commit themselves to strive for its elimination. They recognize the importance in this respect of international norms as laid down in international treaties on human rights, in particular the United Nations Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. They also recognize the importance of national legislation aimed at eradicating torture. They commit themselves to inquire into all alleged cases of torture and to prosecute offenders. They also commit themselves to include in their educational and training programmes for law enforcement and police forces specific provisions with a view to eradicating torture. They consider that an exchange of information on this problem is an essential prerequisite. The participating States should have the possibility to obtain such information. The CSCE should in this context also draw on the experience of the Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruelly Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment established by the Commission on Human Rights of the United Nations and make use of information provided by NGOs.
National minorities
21. The participating States confirm their determination consistently to advance the implementation of the provisions of the Final Act and all other CSCE documents relating to the protection of the rights of persons belonging to national minorities. They commend the work of the HCNM in this field.
22. The participating States welcome the international efforts to improve protection of the rights of persons belonging to national minorities. They take note of the adoption, within the Council of Europe, of a Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities, which builds upon CSCE standards in this context. They stressed that the Convention is also open - by invitation - to signature by States which are not members of the Council of Europe and they may consider examining the possibility of becoming parties to this Convention.
Roma and Sinti
23. The participating States decide to appoint within the ODIHR a contact point for Roma and Sinti (Gypsies) issues. The ODIHR will be tasked to:
- act as a clearing-house for the exchange of information on Roma and Sinti (Gypsies) issues, including information on the implementation of commitments pertaining to Roma and Sinti (Gypsies);
- facilitate contacts on Roma and Sinti (Gypsies) issues between participating States, international organizations and institutions and NGOs;
- maintain and develop contacts on these issues between CSCE institutions and other international organizations and institutions.
To fulfil these tasks, the ODIHR will make full use of existing resources. In this context they welcome the announcement made by some Roma and Sinti (Gypsies) organizations of their intention to make voluntary contributions.
24. The participating States welcome the activities related to Roma and Sinti (Gypsies) issues in other international organizations and institutions, in particular those undertaken in the Council of Europe.
Tolerance and non-discrimination
25. The participating States condemn manifestations of intolerance, and especially of aggressive nationalism, racism, chauvinism, xenophobia and anti-semitism, and will continue to promote effective measures aimed at their eradication. They request the ODIHR to continue to pay special attention to these phenomena, collecting information on their various manifestations in participating States. They will seek to strengthen or adopt appropriate legislation to this end and take the necessary measures to ensure that existing legislation is effectively implemented, in a way that would deter manifestations of these phenomena. They also stress that action to combat these phenomena should be seen as an integral part of integration policy and education. They condemn all crimes committed in the pursuit of so-called "ethnic cleansing" and will continue to give their effective support to the International War Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague.
26. They commend the Council of Europe's plan of action on racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and intolerance. In following up the Rome Council's Declaration, CSCE institutions will explore possibilities for joint work with the Council of Europe, as well as the United Nations and other international organizations.
27. Reaffirming their commitment to ensure freedom of conscience and religion and to foster a climate of mutual tolerance and respect between believers of different communities as well as between believers and non-believers, they expressed their concern about the exploitation of religion for aggressive nationalist ends.
Migrant workers
28. The participating States reconfirm that human rights are universal and indivisible. They recognized that the protection and promotion of the rights of migrant workers have their human dimension. They underline the right of migrant workers to express freely their ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic characteristics. The exercise of such rights may be subject to such restrictions as are prescribed by law and consistent with international standards.
29. They decided that appropriate measures should be taken to better prevent racist attacks and other manifestations of violent intolerance against migrant workers and their families.
30. They reconfirm their condemnation of all acts of discrimination on the ground of race, colour and ethnic origin, intolerance and xenophobia against migrant workers. They will, in conformity with domestic law and international obligations, continue to take effective measures to this end.
31. They will continue to promote the integration of migrant workers in the societies in which they are lawfully residing. They recognize that a successful process of integration also depends on its active pursuit by the migrants themselves and decided therefore to encourage them in this regard.
32. The participating States express their concern at mass migratory movements in the CSCE region, including millions of refugees and displaced persons, due mainly to war, armed conflict, civil strife and grave human rights violations. Taking into account the Rome Council Decisions 1993, they decide to expand their co-operation with appropriate international bodies in this respect.
They take note of efforts undertaken by UNHCR to prepare a regional conference to address the problems of refugees, displaced persons, other forms of involuntary displacement and returnees in the countries of the CIS and other interested neighbouring States.
International humanitarian law
33. The participating States deeply deplore the series of flagrant violations of international humanitarian law that occurred in the CSCE region in recent years and reaffirm their commitment to respect and ensure respect for general international humanitarian law and in particular for their obligations under the relevant international instruments, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their additional protocols, to which they are a party.
34. They emphasize the potential significance of a declaration on minimum humanitarian standards applicable in all situations and declare their willingness to actively participate in its preparation in the framework of the United Nations. They commit themselves to ensure adequate information and training within their military services with regard to the provisions of international humanitarian law and consider that relevant information should be made available.
35. They highly value the developing co-operation between the CSCE and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), in particular in the case of CSCE missions, and welcome the readiness of the ICRC to develop this co-operation and commit themselves to further extend support to the ICRC, in particular by strengthening contacts already established between CSCE missions and the ICRC's delegations in the field.
Freedom of expression/Free media
36. The participating States reaffirm that freedom of expression is a fundamental human right and a basic component of a democratic society. In this respect, independent and pluralistic media are essential to a free and open society and accountable systems of government. They take as their guiding principle that they will safeguard this right.
37. They condemn all attacks on and harassment of journalists and will endeavour to hold those directly responsible for such attacks and harassment accountable.
38. They further note that fomenting hatred and ethnic tension through the media, especially by governments, can serve as an early warning of conflict.
Freedom of movement/Human contacts/Cultural heritage
39. The participating States will further encourage and facilitate human contacts, cultural and educational exchanges and co-operate in accordance with CSCE provisions. They will continue to implement their commitments in the cultural field, as laid down in the Document of the Cracow Symposium on the Cultural Heritage of the CSCE Participating States and other relevant CSCE documents. They will encourage public and private efforts aimed at the preservation of the cultural heritage in their States.
40. They will encourage administrative authorities dealing with citizens of other States to fully implement the CSCE commitments concerning travel and will refrain from degrading treatment and other outrages against personal dignity. They will also consider the need for elaborating a document compiling relevant CSCE provisions.
41. The Permanent Council will explore the possibility of holding informal meetings on the issues mentioned in the two preceding paragraphs.
42. The participating States, taking into account the progress achieved through the implementation of the Programme of Co-ordinated Support during the past two years under the co-ordination of the ODIHR, have decided that this programme should continue. The ODIHR and the Secretary General will continue to arrange meetings and seminars on CSCE-related matters to enable interested States to fulfil their CSCE commitments more easily. The participating States will continue to include representatives of these States in government-sponsored internships, study and training programmes so that levels of experience, knowledge and expertise can be raised.
43. They agreed that the ability of the ODIHR to provide in-depth expertise on human dimension issues under the Programme of Co-ordinated Support should be further developed. In order to respond to requests for advice by newly independent States concerned on all aspects of democratization, they decided that using experts-at-large within the framework of the Programme of Co-ordinated Support would be a useful enhancement of the ODIHR's role.