CSCE Budapest Declaration,
Towards A Genuine Partnership In A New Era,
DOC.RC/1/95 (21 December 1994)

Declaration on the Fiftieth Anniversary
of the Termination of World War II

  1. In 1995 mankind will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of the battles of World War II which caused unprecedented suffering and destruction.

  2. We mourn the tens of millions of people who lost their lives. We honour the memory of all those who fought for the victory of humanity and against dictatorship, oppression and aggression.

  3. World War II and its profound and long-lasting consequences constitute a constant warning to us to observe with all our strength and determination the principles of the Helsinki Final Act. Through the power of its ideas, through the courage of men and women, through the strength of the will of the people Europe has finally liberated itself from the legacy of the past and has opened a new era for democracy, peace and unity. Guided by our desire to create a truly unified Europe we, the Heads of State or Government of the States participating in the CSCE, therefore reaffirm our intention to seek ever closer co-operation in a Europe without walls, without ideological barriers and without political animosities.

  4. The CSCE is the appropriate and indispensable framework for the ongoing process of change. As a community of States dedicated to freedom and democracy, from Vancouver to Vladivostok, we are ready to make full use of CSCE potential in preventing new rifts and divisions in the CSCE region and in providing security and stability for all participating States.

  5. Too many parts of our community are still overshadowed by violence and bloodshed. We are all called upon to ensure that under no circumstances does barbarity have any place in the CSCE region.

  6. Remembering the World War II tragedy, and aware of today's violence and conflicts, both among and within States, we:

  7. We are convinced that the implementation of this commitment will be the best way to render justice to those who struggled for peace, freedom, democracy and human dignity and to commemorate the victims of World War II. Only thus we will ensure that such tragedies will never be repeated and that Europe will be transformed into a united continent of peace, stability, co-operation and prosperity.

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