United Nations University, G.A. res. 47/200, 47 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 153, U.N. Doc. A/47/49 (1992).

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolution 2951 (XXVII) of 11 December 1972 on the establishment of the United Nations University,

Recalling also its resolution 45/220 of 21 December 1990 on the United Nations University,

Recognizing the contributions of the University and the relevance of its work to the concerns of the United Nations,

Having considered the report of the Council of the United Nations University on the work of the University in 1991 and the statement made by the Rector of the United Nations University before the Second Committee on 15 October 1992 concerning the activities of the University in 1992 and its plans for the future,

Noting with appreciation the financial and other contributions made by Governments and organizations in support of the University,

Stressing the need to enhance the visibility of the University and its management,

Taking note of decision 4.3.2 adopted on 27 May 1992 by the Executive Board of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization at its one hundred and thirty-ninth session,

1. Takes note of the progress made in the overall activities of the United Nations University within the framework of its second medium-term perspective, for 1990-1995;

2. Welcomes the completion of the permanent headquarters building in Tokyo made available to the University by the Government of Japan;

3. Takes note of the progress of the work of the World Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University, in Finland, the Institute for New Technologies of the United Nations University, in the Netherlands, and the Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean, in Venezuela;

4. Welcomes:

(a) The establishment of the International Institute for Software Technology of the United Nations University, in Macau, under the joint sponsorship of the Government of China, the Government of Portugal and the Territory of Macau;

(b) The progress made in the negotiations towards the establishment of the research and training centre on governance, state and society, in Spain;

(c) The intention of the Government of Ghana to act as host to the Institute for Natural Resources in Africa;

(d) The initiation of the activities of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Japan;

5. Stresses the need, in the light of the institutional development of the University, to maintain and enhance the programming and coordinating role of the University Centre with a view to ensuring the overall coherence, organic integrity and universality of the activities of the University;

6. Notes the valuable contributions made by the University to the work of the United Nations, including its input into Agenda 21, adopted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, and encourages the organs, organizations and bodies of the United Nations system to avail themselves of the research capacity and research results of the University, which should come to serve as one of the principal academic institutions of the United Nations through its global network of research and training centres and programmes;

7. Requests the University to pursue its efforts:

(a) To enhance its prominence, notably through selection of timely and important research topics, such as the Plan of Action for Academic Initiatives at United Nations Headquarters, launched by the Rector of the United Nations University, intensified coordination and cooperation with other United Nations bodies, wider dissemination of its research results and expanded collaboration with an even wider international academic community of institutions and scholars, particularly in developing countries;

(b) To keep under review the management and administrative functions of the University, particularly with a view to ensuring their efficiency and economy;

(c) To foster its substantive collaboration with other research and training institutes within and outside the United Nations system;

8. Invites the Council of the United Nations University:

(a) To intensify its efforts to promote the activities of the University and make them more widely and better known;

(b) To continue to contribute to the effective management of the University, including the administration of its funds;

(c) To study the possibility of reducing the frequency of its meetings, in the interests of efficiency and economy;

9. Requests the University to continue its fund-raising efforts vigorously, particularly the effort to increase its Endowment Fund, and appeals to the international community to make voluntary contributions to the University, in particular to its Endowment Fund.

93rd plenary meeting
22 December 1992

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