United Nations common system: report of the International Civil Service Commission, G.A. res. 47/216, 47 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 266, U.N. Doc. A/47/49 (1992).

The General Assembly,

Having considered the eighteenth annual report of the International Civil Service Commission and other related reports,

Reaffirming its commitment to a single unified United Nations common system of conditions of service,


A. Role and functioning of the International Civil Service Commission

Reaffirming that, under article 9 of its statute, the International Civil Service Commission, in the exercise of its functions, shall be guided by the principle set out in the agreements between the United Nations and the other organizations, which aims at the development of a single unified international civil service through the application of common personnel standards, methods and arrangements,

Recalling its request to the Commission to assess the impact on the United Nations common system of resolution No. 1024 of the Administrative Council of the International Telecommunication Union with respect to the payment of the special post allowance,

Recalling also its request to the Commission to propose measures to be undertaken by all organizations of the common system to enforce and enhance respect for, and adherence to, the common system of salaries, allowances and conditions of service,

Noting with regret that a further payment of the special post allowance was made to the staff of the International Telecommunication Union in spite of the views expressed by the General Assembly in section II of its resolution 46/191 A of 20 December 1991 against such action,

1. Reaffirms the central role of the General Assembly with regard to the elaboration of the conditions of service for the United Nations common system as a whole and that of the International Civil Service Commission as the independent technical body responsible to the Assembly for the regulation and coordination of the conditions of service of the common system;

2. Notes with satisfaction the efforts made by the Commission to enhance its contacts with the governing bodies, executive heads and staff of organizations of the common system in order to strengthen the cohesiveness and unity of the system and, in this context, to emphasize its advantages;

3. Endorses the views of the Commission concerning the impact on the common system of resolution No. 1024 of the Administrative Council of the International Telecommunication Union with respect to the payment of the special post allowance;

4. Urges the governing bodies and the executive heads of all organizations of the common system to ensure that the Commission is invited in its own right to be represented at meetings where proposals pertaining to salaries, allowances, benefits and other conditions of employment are to be discussed;

5. Notes that the Commission will study in 1993 the issues of accelerated language increments and working hours;

B. Staff participation in the work of the Commission

Reaffirming that article 28, paragraph 2, of the statute of the International Civil Service Commission, elaborated in its rules of procedure, provides staff representatives with the right, collectively or separately, to present facts and views on any matter within the competence of the Commission and that staff representatives may attend meetings and may address the Commission on matters on its agenda,

Recalling section II, paragraph 2, of its resolution 45/241 of 21 December 1990, by which it expressed satisfaction with the establishment of a more active dialogue between the Commission and representatives of the organizations and staff, and section I, paragraph 5, of its resolution 46/191 A, by which it took note with appreciation of the improvements that had taken place in the functioning of the Commission,

Regrets the suspension of the participation of the staff bodies in the work of the International Civil Service Commission and urges the resumption of the dialogue between the Commission and the staff bodies, which is of fundamental importance for the achievement of the goals of the common system;

C. Biennialization of the programme of work of the Fifth Committee

Welcoming the adaptations that the International Civil Service Commission is making to its work programme in the light of the biennialization of the work of the Fifth Committee,

Taking note of the conclusions reached in respect of the current work schedule of the Commission as contained in paragraph 29 of its report,

Concurs with the arrangements proposed for dealing exceptionally with the base/floor salary scale on an annual basis and other urgent salary matters on a timely basis as set forth in paragraph 28 of the report of the International Civil Service Commission;



A. Margin considerations

Recalling its decision that the Noblemaire principle should continue to serve as the basis for the determination of conditions of service of the United Nations common system for staff in the Professional and higher categories,

Recalling also that it had endorsed the methodological approach, as outlined in paragraph 173 (d) of volume II of the fifteenth annual report of the International Civil Service Commission, for the calculation of the net remuneration margin,

Recalling further section IV, paragraph 1, of its resolution 46/191 A, by which it decided, without prejudice to previous decisions on the averaging of the margin around the mid-point over a five-year period, that any post adjustment increase in New York which might become due until 1994 might be implemented to the extent that it was compatible with the upper limit of the margin and that, in this regard, it endorsed the procedure proposed for the management of the post adjustment system within the current margin range as contained in paragraph 109 (b) of volume I of the seventeenth annual report of the Commission,

1. Takes note of the conclusions of the International Civil Service Commission as contained in chapter IV, section A, of its eighteenth annual report regarding the evolution of the margin and its management over the five-year period 1990-1994;

2. Takes note also of the study by the Commission of the methodology for determining the cost-of-living differential between New York and Washington, D.C., in the context of net remuneration margin calculations;

3. Requests the Commission to take into account the views expressed by Member States on the completion of the above- mentioned study and to submit a report on the application of the methodology to the General Assembly;

B. Base/floor salary scale

Recalling section I.H, paragraph 1, of its resolution 44/198 of 21 December 1989, by which it approved the establishment of a floor net salary scale by reference to the corresponding base net salary levels of officials in comparable positions serving at the base city of the comparator civil service,

Approves, with effect from 1 March 1993, the revised scale of gross and net salaries for staff in the Professional and higher categories contained in annex I to the present resolution and the consequential amendment to the Staff Regulations of the United Nations as reflected in annex II to the present resolution, and takes note of the views expressed by Member States in this regard, and its linkage with the mobility and hardship matrix referred to in section V of the present resolution;

C. Comparator

Recalling section VI, paragraph 1, of its resolution 46/191 A, by which it endorsed the conclusions of the International Civil Service Commission in respect of a methodology for conducting checks to determine the highest-paid civil service, as contained in annex V to volume I of its seventeenth annual report,

Recalling also that, by section VI, paragraph 2, of its resolution 46/191 A, it invited the Commission to analyse the potential consequences of the Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990 on the pay levels of the current comparator, the United States federal civil service, providing in the analysis full details of all the special pay systems which have been introduced by the comparator civil service, and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its forty-ninth session,

Noting that the comparisons with other major international organizations outside the United Nations common system carried out by the Commission in response to a request from the Administrative Committee on Coordination had indicated that the remuneration levels at those organizations were higher than those of the common system,

Reiterates its request to the International Civil Service Commission to complete phase I of its study leading to the identification of the highest-paid civil service, and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its forty-ninth session, and in this context invites the Commission also to study all aspects of the application of the Noblemaire principle with a view to ensuring the competitiveness of the United Nations common system;

D. Rental subsidy scheme

Recalling its request to the International Civil Service Commission to examine experience gained with the functioning of the current rental subsidy scheme at headquarters duty stations as contained in section III, paragraph 5, of its resolution 45/241,

1. Concurs with the conclusions of the International Civil Service Commission as contained in paragraph 130 of its report;

2. Requests the Commission to ensure that the modalities for implementation of the rental subsidy scheme are conveyed to the organizations of the United Nations common system;

E. Special occupational rates

Mindful of its resolutions 46/191 A and B of 20 December 1991 and 31 July 1992, by which it acknowledged that the United Nations common system and the International Civil Service Commission should be responsive to the special needs and concerns of the participating organizations, while emphasizing that such needs and concerns should be addressed within the common system,

Taking note of the views of the Commission concerning the introduction of special occupational rates within the common system, as set out in paragraphs 172 to 175 and 177 of its report and of the views expressed by Member States in the Fifth Committee,

Stressing that special occupational rates should be introduced only in exceptional cases of proven recruitment and retention difficulties, as determined by the Commission in close cooperation with the organizations concerned,

1. Endorses, in principle, the approach outlined by the International Civil Service Commission in paragraph 177 of its report for the introduction of the special occupational rates in the United Nations common system, and requests the Commission to submit recommendations for the consideration of the General Assembly at its forty-eighth session;

2. Emphasizes that special occupational rates should be subject to the provisions of paragraph 174 of the report of the Commission and should be specific to individual posts where there are demonstrable recruitment and retention problems and should be time limited;

3. Requests the Commission to consider the feasibility and effects of including the special occupational rates in the calculation of the margin and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its forty-ninth session;

F. Dependency allowances

Recalling section I.G, paragraph 4, of its resolution 44/198, by which it requested the International Civil Service Commission to reconsider the methodology for the determination of dependency allowances in the light of the tax practices of the comparator,

Noting the Commission's review of this matter, as contained in paragraphs 178 to 193 of its report,

1. Approves, with effect from 1 January 1993, an increase of 21 per cent in the children's allowance and an increase of 50 per cent in the secondary dependant's allowance, and the recommendations of the International Civil Service Commission in respect of eligibility criteria and the maintenance of the local-currency entitlement system;

2. Notes that the Commission will review the level of dependency allowances every two years, in order to ensure, inter alia, that all relevant changes in tax and social legislation have been taken into consideration;

G. Conditions of service of assistant secretaries-general and under-secretaries-general and structure of the salary scale

Recalling section V of its resolution 45/241, by which it requested the International Civil Service Commission to reconsider, in a comprehensive manner, the remuneration of staff of the organizations of the United Nations common system at the assistant secretary-general, under-secretary-general and equivalent levels,

Recalling also the recommendations of the Commission as contained in paragraph 173 of volume I of its seventeenth annual report and repeated in paragraph 207 of its eighteenth annual report,

Recalling further section VII of its resolution 46/191 A, by which it deferred a decision on the recommendations of the Commission until its forty-seventh session,

Recalling that, in section IX, paragraph 3, of its resolution 46/191 A, it requested the Commission to include in its work programme a review of the differences between United Nations and United States net remuneration at individual grade levels and to report to it at the earliest opportunity,

Mindful of the proposals of the Secretary-General in respect of the conditions of service of under-secretaries-general and assistant secretaries-general and the reports of the Secretary-General on representation allowances for this category of staff in the United Nations,

Taking note of the views expressed on this question by the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,

Taking into account the comments of Member States in the Fifth Committee,

Taking note also of the recommendation of the Administrative Committee on Coordination to the Commission concerning the levels of remuneration of staff at the D-1 and D-2 levels and the conclusions of the Commission as contained in paragraph 176 of its report,

1. Requests the International Civil Service Commission, in close cooperation with the organizations, to develop appropriate guidelines for the administration of the revised housing arrangements for eligible officials outlined in paragraph 173 (c) of volume I of its seventeenth annual report, taking into account the views expressed by Member States;

2. Decides to revert to the consideration of the conditions of service, including the question of representation allowances, of assistant secretaries-general and under-secretaries-general and equivalent levels at the earliest possible opportunity;

3. Invites the Commission to continue to keep under review the structure of the salary scale at all levels of the Professional and higher categories, taking into account, inter alia, the overall level of the margin as established by the General Assembly and the imbalance between the margin levels for different Professional grade levels, and to report thereon to the Assembly at its forty-ninth session;



Recalling section XIII, paragraph 4, of its resolution 45/241 and section X of its resolution 46/191 A, by which, inter alia, it requested the International Civil Service Commission to report on its review of the methodology for the conduct of salary surveys of the General Service and related categories at headquarters duty stations,

Taking note of the conclusions of the Commission on the matter as contained in chapter V of its report,

Recalling also its request to the Secretary-General, in section XIII, paragraph 3, of its resolution 45/241, to submit to it at its forty-seventh session a report on procedures whereby the Secretary-General and other executive heads could take measures regarding salary scales of the General Service category at variance with recommendations of the Commission only after consultations with appropriate intergovernmental bodies and the Commission,

1. Endorses the reaffirmation by the International Civil Service Commission of the Flemming principle as enunciated at its fifteenth session as the basis for the determination of conditions of service of the General Service and related categories;

2. Takes note of the decisions of the Commission in respect of the refinements and modifications to the methodology as contained in paragraph 231 of its report, and the procedures for their introduction as outlined in paragraph 232 of its report, on the understanding that such modifications will be taken into account beginning with the salary survey being carried out in Paris;

3. Calls upon all organizations to ensure that interim adjustments to salaries are not resumed until the recommendations from the Commission based on the comprehensive General Service salary survey are acted upon by the organizations;

4. Regrets that it has not so far received the report on procedures to be taken in the event that the implementation of a General Service salary survey is at variance with the recommendations of the Commission, welcomes the intention of the Secretary-General to implement resolution 45/241, and requests the Secretary-General to provide the report no later than at its forty-ninth session;



Recalling section III.B, paragraph 2, of its resolution 43/226 of 21 December 1988, by which it approved as an interim measure the recommendations of the International Civil Service Commission for the management of the reimbursement of expenses under the education grant on the basis of different currency areas,

1. Endorses the revised methodology for the determination of the education grant as contained in annex VII to the report of the International Civil Service Commission;

2. Approves increases in the maximum reimbursement levels in five currency areas, as recommended by the Commission in paragraph 252 of its report;

3. Requests the Commission to report to the General Assembly at its fifty-first session on the operation of the education grant on the basis of the revised methodology, taking into account the views of Member States on this matter;



Recalling section I.E of its resolution 44/198, by which it introduced a mobility and hardship allowance with effect from 1 July 1990 and requested the International Civil Service Commission to report to the General Assembly at its forty-seventh session on the operation of the allowance and the assignment grant,

Recalling also section V, paragraph 1, of its resolution 46/191 A, by which it requested the Commission to include in its report on the operation of the mobility and hardship allowance a cost-benefit analysis of the operation of that allowance as well as an assessment of the personnel management benefits,

1. Takes note of the conclusions of the International Civil Service Commission in respect of the operation of the mobility and hardship scheme as contained in chapter VII of its report;

2. Concurs that the existing parameters of the mobility and hardship scheme be maintained;

3. Takes note also of the intention of the Commission to review the operation of the scheme after more experience has been gained in its operation;

4. Requests the Commission to include the following elements in its forthcoming review:

(a) The adjustment procedure which links the mobility and hardship matrix to revisions of the base/floor salary;

(b) The percentage levels attributed to the matrix also in comparison with those applicable in the comparator civil service and in particular those pertaining to the H and A categories;

(c) An analysis of the extent to which each of the component parts that make up the matrix meets the needs of the organizations;

(d) A precise quantification of the cost savings; and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its fifty-first session;



Recalling section XI of its resolution 45/241, by which it invited the International Civil Service Commission, working together with the organizations of the United Nations common system and with the staff representatives, to examine specific and practical steps to translate into action earlier recommendations and requests relating to the status of women in the United Nations system,

Appreciating the work done by the Commission's Working Group on the Status of Women in the United Nations System, as outlined in chapter VIII of the report of the Commission,

1. Urges the organizations of the United Nations common system to introduce a coherent plan for improving the status of women in each organization in the course of 1993 with full respect for their basic instruments and taking into account the recommendations of the International Civil Service Commission, and in this context to give attention not only to the representation, promotion and career progression of women but also to work/family-related issues, spouse employment and the creation of an organizational climate conducive to the equal participation of men and women in the work of the organizations;

2. Requests the Commission to continue to report on a regular basis both on the extent of implementation of previous recommendations in this area and on new initiatives proposed or introduced by the organizations to enhance the status of women in the common system;



Recalling its requests in section XII, paragraph 1, of its resolution 45/241 and in section VIII of its resolution 46/191 A that, as a matter of priority, the International Civil Service Commission resume active consideration of the substantive areas covered under articles 13 and 14 of its statute and, notably, review merit systems and performance appraisal in the United Nations common system,

Noting, inter alia, the inclusion of studies on performance appraisal and the recognition of merit in the work programme of the Commission for 1993 and 1994,

Urges the International Civil Service Commission, as a complement to studies being undertaken in the remuneration area, to give equal attention in its work programme to measures designed to promote sound personnel management in the international public service, including recruitment forecasting, human resources planning, performance management and staff development and training.

94th plenary meeting
23 December 1992


  Salary scale for the Professional and higher categories showing
  annual gross salaries and net equivalents after application of
                            staff assessment a/
                         (In United States dollars)
                          (Effective 1 March 1993)
    Level/Step    I        II       III      IV        V       VI VII     VIII      IX        X       XI       XII XIII      XIV
  USG Gross ..148 296
      Net D .. 86 914
      Net S .. 78 122
 Assistant Secretary-General
  ASG Gross ..134 454
      Net D .. 79 716
      Net S .. 72 087
  D-2 Gross ..109 444  111 946  114 448  116 948  119 450  121 952
      Net D .. 66 711   68 012   69 313   70 613   71 914   73 215
      Net S .. 61 183   62 273   63 364   64 454   65 545   66 636
 Principal Officer
  D-1 Gross .. 96 315   98 417  100 529  102 667  104 810  106 952  109 094  111 237  113 377
      Net D .. 59 847   60 961   62 075   63 187   64 301   65 415   66 529   67 643   68 756
      Net S .. 55 304   56 308   57 296   58 228   59 162   60 096   61 030   61 964   62 897
 Senior Officer
  P-5 Gross .. 84 528   86 430   88 332   90 234   92 136   94 036   95 938   97 080   99 740  101 673  103 612  105 548  107 487
      Net D .. 53 600   54 608   55 616   56 624   57 632   58 639   59 647   60 655   61 662   62 670   63 678   64 685   65 693
      Net S .. 49 669   50 579   51 488   52 397   53 306   54 214   55 123   56 033   56 941   57 794   58 040   59 484   60 329
First Officer
P-4 Gross .. 69 020  70 843  72 661  74 480  76 302  78 120  79 941  81 794  83 649  85 502  87 355  89 213  91 066  92 921  94 775
    Net D .. 45 271  46 255  47 237  48 219  49 203  50 185  51 168  52 151  53 134  54 116  55 098  56 083  57 065  58 048  59 031
    Net S .. 42 103  43 000  43 894  44 789  45 686  46 580  47 476  48 363  49 249  50 136  51 021  51 909  52 795  53 681  54 567
Second Officer
P-3 Gross .. 55 753  57 431  59 111  60 787  62 467  64 145  65 839  67 550  69 259  70 970  72 680  74 389  76 098  77 807  79 519
    Net D .. 38 014  38 937  39 861  40 783  41 707  42 630  43 553  44 477  45 400  46 324  47 247  48 170  49 093  50 016  50 940
    Net S .. 35 520  36 356  37 192  38 027  38 864  39 699  40 538  41 380  42 220  43 062  43 904  44 744  45 585  46 426  47 268
 Associate Officer
  P-2 Gross ... 44 351   45 779   47 226   48 675   50 123   51 572   53 021   54 468   55 953   57 453   58 953   60 456
      Net D ... 31 517   32 344   33 169   33 995   34 820   35 646   36 472   37 297   38 124   38 949   39 774   40 601
      Net S ... 29 603   30 359   31 110   31 862   32 614   33 366   34 118   34 869   35 620   36 367   37 114   37 862
 Assistant Officer
  P-1 Gross ... 33 277   34 580   35 910   37 256   38 600   39 944   41 292   42 636   43 980   45 337
      Net D ... 24 949   25 744   26 537   27 331   28 124   28 917   29 712   30 505   31 298   32 092
      Net S ... 23 565   24 299   25 028   25 758   26 486   27 215   27 945   28 674   29 402   30 130
     D =  Rate applicable to staff members with a dependent spouse or child.
     S =  Rate applicable to staff members with no dependent spouse or child.
     a/   This scale represents the result of a consolidation of 6.9 multiplier points of post adjustment into net base salary.  The
adjustments in the post adjustment indices and multipliers at all duty stations, effective 1 March 1993.  Thereafter, changes in pos
be effected on the basis of the movements of the newly consolidated post adjustment indices.
                                 ANNEX II
        Amendment to the Staff Regulations of the United Nations
                             Regulation 3.3
    Replace the second table in paragraph (b) (i) by the following table:
                                    Staff member with a       Staff Member with neither
Total assessable payments           dependent spouse or       a dependent spouse nor a
 (United States dollars)            a dependent child             dependent child
First $15 000 per year .........             13.0                     17.1
Next $5 000 per year ...........             31.0                     34.2
Next $5 000 per year ...........             34.0                     38.4
Next $5 000 per year ...........             37.0                     41.7
Next $5 000 per year ...........             39.0                     43.7
Next $10 000 per year ..........             41.0                     45.8
Next $10 000 per year ..........             43.0                     48.1
Next $10 000 per year ..........             45.0                     50.2
Next $15 000 per year ..........             46.0                     50.8
Next $20 000 per year ..........             47.0                     52.2
Remaining assessable payments ..             48.0                     56.4

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