Programme budget for the biennium 1992-1993, G.A. res. 47/220, 47 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 277, U.N. Doc. A/47/49 (1992).


Revised budget appropriations for the biennium 1992-1993

The General Assembly,

Resolves that, for the biennium 1992-1993, the amount of 2,389,234,900 United States dollars appropriated by its resolution 46/186 A of 20 December 1991 shall be increased by 78,804,300 dollars as follows:

                                                        Amount approved      Increase         Revised
                                                         by resolution         or          appropriation
                  Section                                  46/186 A          decrease
 Part I. Overall policy making, direction and coordination
 1. Overall policy making, direction and coordination        35 256 900      (635 200)        34 621 700
  TOTAL, PART I                                              35 256 900      (635 200)        34 621 700
 PART II.  Political affairs
 2.  Peace-keeping operations and special missions           96 225 000     12 863 400       109 088 400
 3. Political and Security Council affairs                   15 796 000    (11 794 800)        4 001 200
 4. Political and General Assembly affairs
      and Secretariat services                               12 411 600    ( 9 149 900)        3 261 700
 5. Disarmament                                              13 108 800    ( 8 531 300)        4 577 500
 6. Special political questions, regional cooperation,
    trusteeship and decolonization                            9 365 100    ( 6 513 600)        2 851 500
 7. Elimination of apartheid                                  8 234 900    ( 6 104 000)        2 130 900
37. Department of Political Affairs                              -          43 085 300        43 085 300
  TOTAL, PART II                                             155 141 400    13 855 100       168 996 500
  PART III. International justice and law
 8. International Court of Justice                            17 484 000     1 001 000        18 485 000
 9. Legal activities                                          21 698 300   (16 355 700)        5 342 600
10. Law of the sea and ocean affairs                           9 032 800   ( 6 719 900)        2 312 900
38.  Legal activities                                             -         24 155 600        24 155 600
 TOTAL, PART III                                              48 215 100     2 081 000        50 296 100
 PART IV.  International cooperation for development
11. Development and international economic cooperation        18 933 000    (4 433 900)       14 499 100
12. Regular programme of technical cooperation                40 679 800      (533 600)       40 146 200
13.  Department of International Economic and Social Affairs  54 691 200   (40 953 600)       13 737 600
14. Department of Technical Cooperation for Development       27 394 600   (20 608 300)        6 786 300
15. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development        90 040 700     2 473 300        92 514 000
16. International Trade Centre                                17 916 200       573 600        18 489 800
17. United Nations Environment Programme                      12 743 600        88 500        12 832 100
18. Centre for Science and Technology for Development          4 824 900    (3 422 200)        1 402 700
19. United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)     11 405 700       624 200        12 029 900
20. United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations       12 740 900    (8 992 600)        3 748 300
21. Social development and humanitarian affairs               13 798 300       902 000        14 700 300
22. International drug control                                13 499 700      (115 900)       13 383 800
39.  Department of Economic and Social Development               -          82 116 600        82 116 600
                                  TOTAL, PART IV             318 668 600     7 718 100       326 386 700
 PART V.  Regional cooperation for development
23. Economic Commission for Africa                            74 547 000    (2 497 700)       72 049 300
24.  Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific  51 605 000     3 696 900        55 301 900
25. Economic Commission for Europe                            41 124 400     1 385 400        42 509 800
26. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean   67 371 000       (20 300)       67 350 700
27. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia           50 381 500    (5 047 600)       45 333 900
 TOTAL, PART V                                               285 028 900    (2 483 300)      282 545 600
 PART VI.  Human rights and humanitarian affairs
28. Human rights                                              23 297 200     1 710 300        25 007 500
29. Protection of and assistance to refugees                  60 771 100     2 840 600        63 611 700
30. Disaster relief operations                                 7 770 000    (5 759 400)        2 010 600
40. Department of Humanitarian Affairs                          -            9 870 700         9 870 700
 TOTAL, PART VI                                               91 838 300     8 662 200       100 500 500
 PART VII.  Public information
31. Public information                                       100 371 000     2 635 000       103 006 000
 TOTAL, PART VII                                             100 371 000     2 635 000       103 006 000
 PART VIII. Common support services
32. Conference services                                      421 556 200   (315 114 800)     106 441 400
33. Administration and management                            418 473 600   (315 363 400)     103 110 200
41. Administration and management                                -          643 588 100      643 588 100
 TOTAL, PART VIII                                            840 029 800     13 109 900      853 139 700
PART IX.  Special expenses
34. Special expenses                                          45 035 000      2 626 700       47 661 700
 TOTAL, PART IX                                               45 035 000      2 626 700       47 661 700
PART X.  Capital expenditures
35. Construction, alteration, improvement and                 95 512 700      3 337 500       98 850 200
    major maintenance
TOTAL, PART X                                                 95 512 700      3 337 500       98 850 200
PART XI.  Staff assessment
36. Staff assessment                                         374 137 200     27 897 300      402 034 500
 TOTAL, PART XI                                              374 137 200     27 897 300      402 034 500
 GRAND TOTAL                                               2 389 234 900     78 804 300    2 468 039 200


Revised income estimates for the biennium 1992-1993

The General Assembly

Resolves that, for the biennium 1992-1993, the estimates of income of 449,213,300 United States dollars approved by its resolution 46/186 B of 20 December 1991 shall be increased by 21,803,100 dollars as follows:

                                                           approved          Increase        Revised
                                                          by resolution         or           appropriation
                  Section                                   46/186 B         decrease
                                                                      (United States dollars)
 Income section
PART I.  Income from staff assessment                    379 926 000         28 077 900       408 003 900
TOTAL, INCOME SECTION                                    379 926 000         28 077 900       408 003 900
2. General income                                         62 444 800         (3 149 600)       59 295 200
3.  Revenue-producing activities                           6 842 500         (3 125 200)        3 717 300
TOTAL, INCOME SECTIONS 2 AND 3                            69 287 300         (6 274 800)       63 012 500
 GRAND TOTAL                                             449 213 300         21 803 100       471 016 400


Financing of appropriations for the year 1993

The General Assembly

Resolves that for the year 1993:

1. Budget appropriations in a total amount of 1,273,421,750 United States dollars, consisting of 1,194,617,450 dollars, being half of the appropriations initially approved for the biennium 1992-1993 by General Assembly resolution 46/186 A of 20 December 1991, plus 78,804,300 dollars, being the increase in the appropriations approved during the forty-seventh session by resolution A above, shall be financed in accordance with regulations 5.1 and 5.2 of the Financial Regulations of the United Nations, as follows:

(a) 40,176,315 dollars, consisting of:

(i) An amount of 28,368,850 dollars, which is the net of 34,643,650 dollars, being half of the estimated income approved for the biennium 1992-1993 by its resolution 46/186 B of 20 December 1991 other than staff assessment income, offset by an amount of 6,274,800 dollars, being the decrease in estimated income other than staff assessment income approved by resolution B above;

(ii) 11,807,465 dollars, being the balance of the surplus account as at 31 December 1991;

(b) 1,233,245,435 dollars, being the assessment on Member States in accordance with General Assembly resolution 46/221 A of 20 December 1991 and decision 47/456 of 23 December 1992 on the scale of assessments for the years 1992, 1993 and 1994;

2. There shall be set off against the assessment on Member States, in accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund in the total amount of 218,040,900 dollars, consisting of:

(a) 189,963,000 dollars, being half of the estimated staff assessment income approved by resolution 46/186 B;

(b) Plus 28,077,900 dollars, being the estimated increase in income from staff assessment approved by the Assembly in its resolution B above.

23 December 1992
94th plenary meeting

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