Emergency assistance to Cuba, G.A. res. 47/228, 47 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at ?, U.N. Doc. A/47/49 (1992).

The General Assembly,

Deeply concerned about the extensive damage and devastation in Cuba caused by the very severe storm that affected that country on 12 and 13 March 1993,

Noting with concern the loss of life, the destruction of thousands of dwellings and the severe damage to major sectors of the national infrastructure,

Acknowledging the efforts of the Government and the people of Cuba to provide relief and emergency assistance to the people affected by the storm,

Noting that the continuing efforts of the Government of Cuba to promote economic growth and development will be hampered by this calamity,

1. Declares its solidarity with the Government and the people of Cuba in this hour of trial;

2. Notes with appreciation the efforts of the Government of Cuba to provide speedy relief to the storm victims from national resources;

3. Commends the efforts of the international community to supplement the relief operations and emergency assistance provided by the Government of Cuba;

4. Calls upon the Secretary-General, in cooperation with the relevant organs and organizations of the United Nations system and in close collaboration with the Government authorities, to assist in the rehabilitation efforts of the Government and the people of Cuba;

5. Requests all States and international organizations and other intergovernmental agencies to extend emergency support to Cuba for the duration of the emergency and the ensuing rehabilitation process to alleviate the plight of the afflicted people of Cuba, including their economic and financial burden.

99th plenary meeting
15 April 1993

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