Joint Inspection Unit, G.A. res. 48/221, 48 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 300, U.N. Doc. A/48/49 (1993).

The General Assembly,

Recalling its previous resolutions, in particular resolution 47/201 of 22 December 1992, and decision 46/446 of 20 December 1991,

Having considered the annual reports of the Joint Inspection Unit for the periods 1 July 1990 to 30 June 1991, 1 July 1991 to 30 June 1992, and 1 July 1992 to 30 June 1993, and its work programmes for the related periods, as well as the reports of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the recommendations of the Unit and the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,

Expressing its appreciation to the Joint Inspection Unit for the measures taken with regard to improving its programming methods, increasing its productivity and enhancing its performance,

Stressing the importance of timely substantive consideration of the reports of the Joint Inspection Unit by Member States and the participating organizations, especially those organizations which have been inspected,

Emphasizing the need for greater management efficiency, transparency and coordination on the part of the participating organizations within the United Nations system,

Reaffirming the statute of the Joint Inspection Unit, the only independent system-wide inspection, evaluation and investigation body,

Recognizing the need to give adequate means to the Joint Inspection Unit in order to enable it to carry out its functions,

1. Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Joint Inspection Unit on its activities during the period 1 July 1992 to 30 June 1993, of its work programme for 1993, and of the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the recommendations of the Unit;

2. Requests the Joint Inspection Unit to study carefully all problems arising during the start-up phase of peace-keeping operations;

3. Notes with appreciation the efforts of the Joint Inspection Unit aimed at improving its programming methods, output and quality of work, and requests it to continue its efforts to comply with the recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions and that it report thereon to the General Assembly;

4. Invites the Joint Inspection Unit, in its future work programmes, to put more emphasis on inspection and evaluation to ensure optimum use of funds in order to enhance the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations system;

5. Requests the Joint Inspection Unit, when appropriate, to provide in its reports information on estimated financial implications or possible cost-savings resulting from implementation of the recommendations formulated therein;

6. Calls upon the Joint Inspection Unit to follow up on the implementation of its recommendations and to include the relevant information regularly in its annual reports;

7. Invites the Joint Inspection Unit to maintain a close relationship with the Committee for Programme and Coordination, the International Civil Service Commission, the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, the Board of Auditors, the Panel of External Auditors and organizations and bodies within the United Nations system in order to ensure greater and more cost-effective coordination of their respective activities for the promotion of management efficiency, greater accountability and transparency of the United Nations and other participating organizations;

8. Requests the executive heads of the participating organizations to increase their efforts to make detailed and timely comments on Joint Inspection Unit reports and to ensure that their governing bodies consider these reports;

9. Calls upon the executive heads of the participating organizations concerned to ensure that Joint Inspection Unit recommendations approved by their governing bodies are implemented and to report thereon;

10. Recognizes the need to enhance the contribution of the Joint Inspection Unit to the management efficiency and transparency of the organizations within the United Nations system;

11. Requests the Secretary-General, taking into account the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, to include in the report called for in its decision 47/454 of 23 December 1992 and to be submitted to the General Assembly at its forty-ninth session proposals regarding the procedures for selecting Inspectors, with a view to improving the selection process, with due regard to the principle of equitable geographical distribution;

12. Requests the Secretary-General and the executive heads of the participating organizations, without prejudice to article 20 of the statute of the Joint Inspection Unit, to consider providing the Unit with extrabudgetary resources and programme support funds for specific activities of inspection, evaluation and investigation in those areas which are linked to those resources;

13. Requests the Secretary-General and the Joint Inspection Unit to study and to report to the General Assembly at its forty-ninth session on means by which the Unit could enhance its inspection and evaluation of specific fields of activities, such as peace-keeping operations, humanitarian assistance, operational activities for development and technical and financial matters;

14. Requests the governing bodies of all the participating organizations and programmes, when considering reports of the Joint Inspection Unit, particularly those having financial implications, to keep the Unit informed;

15. Decides to keep under review some of the proposals of the Joint Inspection Unit contained in paragraph 40 of its annual report;

16. Notes the preliminary work programme of the Joint Inspection Unit for 1994-1995 and beyond.

87th plenary meeting
23 December 1993