Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace, G.A. res. 48/82, 48 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 92, U.N. Doc. A/48/49 (1993).

The General Assembly,

Recalling the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace, contained in its resolution 2832 (XXVI) of 16 December 1971, and recalling also its resolution 47/59 of 9 December 1992 and other relevant resolutions,

Recalling also the report on the Meeting of the Littoral and Hinterland States of the Indian Ocean held in July 1979,

Recalling further paragraphs 15 and 16 of chapter III of the final documents adopted by the Tenth Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries, held at Jakarta from 1 to 6 September 1992,

Noting that great-Power rivalry is being replaced by a new and welcome phase of confidence, trust and cooperation, and that the improved international political environment following the end of the cold war has created favourable opportunities to renew comprehensive multilateral and regional efforts towards the realization of the goals of peace, security and stability in the Indian Ocean region,

Welcoming the positive developments in international political relations, which offer opportunities for enhancing peace, security and cooperation, and which have been reflected in the work of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Indian Ocean,

Reaffirming the importance of the freedom of navigation in the high seas, including in the Indian Ocean, in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,

Convinced that the Ad Hoc Committee should continue its consideration of new alternative approaches,

Emphasizing the need for the permanent members of the Security Council and the major maritime users of the Indian Ocean to cooperate with and participate in the work of the Ad Hoc Committee, particularly at a time when the Committee is actively engaged in the task of developing new alternative approaches,

1. Takes note of the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Indian Ocean;

2. Requests the Ad Hoc Committee to continue consideration of new alternative approaches building upon its deliberations at the session held in 1993, with a view to reaching early agreement to give new impetus to the process of strengthening cooperation and ensuring peace, security and stability in the Indian Ocean region;

3. Calls upon the permanent members of the Security Council and the major maritime users of the Indian Ocean to participate in the work of the Ad Hoc Committee;

4. Invites Member States to submit to the Secretary-General, by 31 May 1994, their views on new alternative approaches, including those discussed at the 1993 session of the Ad Hoc Committee and contained in its report to the General Assembly;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to submit, by 30 June 1994, a report based on replies received from Member States;

6. Requests the Ad Hoc Committee to hold a session during 1994, of a duration of not more than five working days;

7. Also requests the Ad Hoc Committee to submit to the General Assembly at its forty-ninth session a comprehensive report on the implementation of the present resolution;

8. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to render all necessary assistance to the Ad Hoc Committee, including the provision of summary records;

9. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its forty-ninth session the item entitled "Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace".

81st plenary meeting
16 December 1993