Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations, G.A. res. 49/139, 49 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 49, U.N. Doc. A/49/49 (1994).

Forty-ninth session
Agenda item 37 (a)



Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations

The General Assembly,

its resolutions 46/182 of 19 December 1991, 47/168 of 22 December 1992 and 48/57 of 14 December 1993,

Reaffirming also the guiding principles contained in section I of the annex to its resolution 46/182,

Taking note of the relevant decisions of operational agencies, organizations, programmes and funds of the United Nations system concerning their participation in a coordinated response to humanitarian emergencies,

Concerned about the impediments created by natural disasters and other emergencies to the efforts of the affected countries to achieve sustainable development,

Recognizing the increasing need for humanitarian assistance and adequate financial resources to ensure a prompt, timely and effective response by the United Nations to humanitarian and natural disasters and other emergencies, both for relief and for the continuum to development,

Recognizing also the need to strengthen further coordination of humanitarian assistance, in particular in the field, bearing in mind that coordination should be field-oriented,

Welcoming the efforts being undertaken in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee to develop a coherent and complementary approach on the part of the relevant operational and development actors to the continuum-related activities,

Welcoming also the efforts of the Department of Humanitarian Affairs of the Secretariat, in particular in the context of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, to promote disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness measures,

Noting the encouraging results of the operation of the Central Emergency Revolving Fund and its increasing utilization by the agencies,

1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General of 21 June and 1 November 1994; 1/

2. Takes note of the report of the President of the Economic and Social Council to the General Assembly on the informal consultations he conducted in accordance with Economic and Social Council decision 1994/291 of 27 July 1994;

3. Also takes note of the measures outlined by the Secretary-General in his report 2/ for strengthening field coordination of humanitarian assistance, and acknowledges the need further to develop and strengthen system-wide coordination, including cooperation among operational agencies, the Department of Humanitarian Affairs and non-governmental organizations, in accordance with the provisions of resolution 46/182, to improve the capability for a quick and coordinated response to natural disasters and other emergencies while preserving the non-political, neutral and impartial character of humanitarian action;

4. Further takes note of the measures and procedures recommended by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee regarding the in-country coordinator, and, with due regard to the provisions of paragraph 39 of the annex to resolution 46/182, requests the Secretary-General, through the Economic and Social Council in 1995, to report further on the matter, including the implications of those recommendations, taking fully into account the views of Governments on those recommendations;

5. Stresses the need for the Inter-Agency Standing Committee to serve as the primary mechanism for inter-agency coordination under the leadership of the Emergency Relief Coordinator, to meet frequently and to conduct its business in a transparent manner, inter alia, through the prompt dissemination of its conclusions;

6. Acknowledges the need further to develop and strengthen the cooperation between the Department of Humanitarian Affairs and other concerned parties to improve the capability for a quick and coordinated response to natural disasters and other emergencies;

7. Notes that the usefulness of the Central Emergency Revolving Fund has been fully recognized by the operational agencies, in particular for enhancing their capacity to address promptly the urgent requirements of the initial phase of natural disasters and other emergencies that require a system-wide response in accordance with resolution 46/182;

8. Recognizes the need to maintain an adequate level of resources in the Central Emergency Revolving Fund, and requests the Emergency Relief Coordinator, when resources fall below this level, to bring the matter to the attention of the States;

9. Requests the Secretary-General to continue taking measures to ensure the availability of resources in the Central Emergency Revolving Fund, inter alia, by encouraging States to reimburse as a high priority projects that have been financed from the Fund and by requiring operational agencies to certify that advances from the Fund have been drawn in accordance with resolution 46/182, establishing the appropriate uses of the Fund;

10. Also requests the Secretary-General to explore the feasibility of seeking in-kind donations to meet early emergency requirements;

11. Also recognizes the need to increase the resources available in the Central Emergency Revolving Fund, including through timely repayment of funds, invites potential donors to make additional contributions to the Fund, and requests the Secretary-General to continue consultations to that effect, taking fully into account the need to secure contributions to the Fund on an assured, broad-based and additional basis;

12. Invites the Secretary-General further to pursue efforts to improve and adjust the technical and procedural functioning of the Central Emergency Revolving Fund and to explore ways and means for strengthening the complementarity between the Fund and the individual emergency funds of operational agencies;

13. Calls upon States to respond quickly and generously to consolidated appeals for humanitarian assistance, taking into account the need for rapid- response funding as well as rehabilitation and long-term assistance requirements;

14. Urges all concerned operational and humanitarian organizations and agencies to cooperate and participate fully in the preparation of the consolidated appeals in order to ensure the prompt launching of such appeals, based on specific priorities;

15. Requests that in preparing appeals the Department of Humanitarian Affairs and the agencies highlight funds borrowed from the Central Emergency Revolving Fund and indicate which projects those borrowed funds supported;

16. Stresses the responsibility of organizations having drawn from the Central Emergency Revolving Fund to reimburse the Fund in the first instance from the voluntary contributions received in response to consolidated appeals, and urges that resources advanced by the Fund be reimbursed fully and in a timely manner;

17. Endorses the recommendation of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee that the arrangement for financing rapid-response coordination from the interest earned by the Central Emergency Revolving Fund should be continued;

18. Urges all operational agencies to collaborate fully with the Department of Humanitarian Affairs, particularly in the early phase of an emergency, in providing sufficient financial and human resources for rapid coordination arrangements in order to enhance the rapid-response capability of the system as a whole;

19. Stresses the need to create a sound and stable financial basis for the Department of Humanitarian Affairs, and invites the Secretary-General to explore all solutions to achieve an adequate level of financing from the regular budget;

20. Welcomes the adoption of the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel. 3/

93rd plenary meeting
20 December 1994


Participation of volunteers, "White Helmets", in activities of the United Nations in the field of humanitarian relief, rehabilitation and technical cooperation for development

The General Assembly,

its resolutions 46/182 of 19 December 1991, in particular, the guiding principles embodied in the annex thereto, 47/168 of 22 December 1992 and 48/57 of 14 December 1993,

Recalling Economic and Social Council resolution 1993/205 of 12 February 1993 and the agreed conclusions of the coordination segment of the Council of 1993, 4/ as well as Council decision 1994/291 of 27 July 1994,

Recalling also its resolutions 45/264 of 13 May 1991 and 48/162 of 20 December 1993,

Recognizing, in the light of the increasing number and growing magnitude and complexity of natural disasters and other emergencies, the need to utilize fully the national potential of countries in providing the United Nations, on a stand-by basis, with support for its activities in the area of humanitarian emergency assistance, as well as in the promotion of a smooth transition from relief to rehabilitation, reconstruction and development,

Also recognizing the importance of enhancing the national capacity of countries in disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness, as well as the importance of eradication of poverty in developing countries, in order to reduce their vulnerabilities,

Welcoming national initiatives, such as the establishment of a national volunteer corps called "White Helmets", undertaken in order to strengthen the stand-by capacity of developing countries, to support the United Nations activities in the area of humanitarian emergency assistance, as well as in the promotion of a smooth transition from relief to rehabilitation, reconstruction and development,

Further recognizing the role of the United Nations Volunteers, including in the mobilization of resources oriented towards the provision of humanitarian relief, rehabilitation and technical cooperation for development,

1. Notes with satisfaction the initiatives undertaken by the international community in order to facilitate quick and adequate response to humanitarian emergencies and to provide effective support to the rehabilitation and development efforts of affected countries;

2. Encourages voluntary national and regional actions aimed at providing the United Nations system, on a stand-by basis, with specialized human and technical resources for emergency relief and rehabilitation, and, in this regard, notes with satisfaction the establishment, in particular in developing countries, of national volunteer corps;

3. Also encourages those national volunteer corps to develop the appropriate capabilities in order to cooperate, at the field level and in their respective area of expertise, with the United Nations system and non-governmental organizations, in accordance with the relevant provisions of resolution 46/182 and other relevant United Nations resolutions;

4. Invites Governments to promote at the national level the development of innovative financial mechanisms to fund these national stand-by capacities, by involving, inter alia, the private sector;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to submit a report to the Economic and Social Council at its next substantive session incorporating the views expressed by Governments and appropriate intergovernmental organizations and relevant entities within the United Nations system, in particular the Department of Humanitarian Affairs of the Secretariat and the United Nations Volunteers, on ways and means of strengthening national and regional stand-by arrangements, including the establishment and full utilization of national volunteer corps, in the area of emergency humanitarian assistance, as well as in the promotion of a smooth transition from relief to rehabilitation, reconstruction and development, taking into account existing mandates and activities of the United Nations system;

6. Invites the Secretary-General, in this context, to include in his report for consideration at the next substantive session of the Economic and Social Council the results of his assessment of the potentials of:

(a) The provision by the Department of Humanitarian Affairs and the United Nations Volunteers of coordination for activities to be undertaken by national volunteer corps, including the supportive role of the Resident Coordinator at the country level;

(b) The establishment of a distinct window within the Special Voluntary Fund of the United Nations Volunteers for channelling funds for operational purposes;

(c) The use of databases within the United Nations system to coordinate and facilitate the rapid provision of assistance by national volunteer corps to the United Nations system;

(d) Experiences at the national level with regard to, inter alia, selection and training, deployment, status and security, and the effective utilization of stand-by arrangements;

7. Also requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its fiftieth session on the implementation of the present resolution, in the context of his annual report on strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations, in accordance with resolution 46/182.

93rd plenary meeting
20 December 1994


1/ A/49/177-E/1994/80 and Corr.1 and Add.1.

2/ A/49/177-E/1994/80/Add.1, chap. II.

3/ Resolution 49/59, annex.

4/ See Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 3 (A/48/3/Rev.1), chap. III. .

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