Forty-ninth session
Agenda item 102
The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolution 48/126 of 20 December 1993, by
which it proclaimed 1995 the United Nations Year for Tolerance,
Recalling also that the Charter of the United Nations affirms
in its preamble that to practise tolerance is one of the principles
to be applied to attain the ends pursued by the United Nations
of preventing war and maintaining peace,
Stressing that one of the purposes of the United Nations,
as set forth in the Charter, is the achievement of international
cooperation in solving international problems of an economic,
social, cultural or humanitarian character and in promoting and
encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms
for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion,
Mindful of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1/
and of the International Covenants on Human Rights, 2/
Bearing in mind the Vienna Declaration and Programme of
Action, 3/ adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights at
Vienna in June 1993,
Convinced that tolerance is the sound foundation of any
civil society and of peace,
Bearing in mind its decision 35/424 of 5 December 1980
and Economic and Social Council resolution 1980/67 of 25 July
1980 concerning guidelines for international years and anniversaries,
Noting that the observance of the United Nations Year for
Tolerance will not involve any financial implications for the
United Nations,
Taking note of the note by the Secretary-General of 30
September 1994 4/ transmitting the report of the Director- General
of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,
1. Welcomes the fact that the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization will assume the role of lead
organization for the United Nations Year for Tolerance;
2. Recommends that the specialized agencies, regional commissions
and other organizations of the United Nations system consider
in their respective forums the contributions they could make to
the success of the Year;
3. Calls upon all Member States to cooperate with the United
Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization in the
observance of the national and international programmes for the
Year and to participate actively in the implementation of the
activities to be organized within the framework of the Year;
4. Invites interested intergovernmental and non-governmental
organizations to exert efforts in their respective fields to contribute
adequately to the programmes for the Year and to the follow-up
5. Requests the United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization to prepare for the conclusion of the
Year a declaration of principles and a programme of action as
a follow-up to the Year, and to submit them to the General Assembly
at its fifty-first session;
6. Decides to mark the end of the Year at a special commemorative
plenary meeting at its fiftieth session and to review the follow-up
to the Year at its fifty-first session.
94th plenary meeting
23 December 1994
1/ Resolution 217 A (III).
2/ Resolution 2200 A (XXI), annex.
3/ Report of the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 14-25
June 1993 (A/CONF.157/24 (Part I)), chap. III.
4/ A/49/457.