Forty-ninth session
Agenda item 12
The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolution 2211 (XXI) of 17 December 1966, in
response to which a trust fund, subsequently named the United
Nations Fund for Population Activities, was established in 1967
by the Secretary-General,
Noting that the United Nations Fund for Population Activities,
renamed in 1987 as the United Nations Population Fund, began operations
in 1969,
Recalling also its resolutions 3019 (XXVII) of 18 December
1972, 31/170 of 21 December 1976, and 34/104 of 14 December 1979,
in which it, inter alia, recognized the leading role and effectiveness
of the Fund in the United Nations system in the population field
and affirmed the Fund as a subsidiary body of the General Assembly,
Reaffirming Economic and Social Council resolutions 1763
(LIV) of 18 May 1973 and 1986/7 of 21 May 1986 stating the aims
and purposes of the Fund,
1. Congratulates the United Nations Population Fund on
the occasion of its twenty-fifth anniversary;
2. Notes with satisfaction the positive contributions the
Fund and its dedicated staff have made during its first twenty-five
years in promoting better understanding and awareness of population
and development issues, in improving the quality of human life,
and in extending systematic and sustained assistance to developing
countries, at their request, to undertake appropriate national
programmes to address their population and development needs.
39th plenary meeting
20 October 1994