Forty-ninth session
Agenda item 14
The General Assembly,
Having received the report of the International Atomic Energy
Agency to the General Assembly for the year 1993, 1/
Noting the statement of the Director General of the International
Atomic Energy Agency of 17 October 1994, 2/ in which he provided
additional information on the main developments in the activities
of the Agency during 1994,
Recognizing the importance of the work of the Agency in
promoting the further application of nuclear energy for peaceful
purposes, as envisaged in its statute and in accordance with the
inalienable right of States parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation
of Nuclear Weapons 3/ and other relevant internationally legally
binding agreements that have concluded relevant safeguards agreements
with the Agency to develop research, production and use of nuclear
energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination and in conformity
with articles I and II of the Treaty, other relevant articles
and with the object and purposes of the Treaty,
Also recognizing the special needs of the developing countries
for technical assistance from the Agency in order to benefit effectively
from the application of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes
as well as from the contribution of nuclear energy to their economic
Conscious of the importance of the work of the Agency in
the implementation of the safeguards provisions of the Treaty
on the Non- Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and other international
treaties, conventions and agreements designed to achieve similar
objectives, as well as in ensuring, as far as it is able, that
the assistance provided by the Agency or at its request or under
its supervision or control is not used in such a way as to further
any military purpose, as stated in article II of its statute,
Further recognizing the importance of the work of the Agency
on nuclear power, applications of nuclear methods and techniques,
nuclear safety, radiological protection and radioactive waste
management, including its work directed towards assisting developing
countries in all these fields,
Again stressing the need for the highest standards of safety
in the design and operation of nuclear plants so as to minimize
risks to life, health and the environment,
Noting from the Director General's statement that the Agency
is now in a position to implement its ongoing monitoring and verification
plan in Iraq,
Taking note of resolutions GOV/2711 of 21 March 1994 and
GOV/2742 of 10 June 1994 of the Board of Governors and GC(XXXVIII)/RES/16
of 23 September 1994 of the General Conference of the Agency 4/in
connection with the implementation of the Agreement between the
Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the
International Atomic Energy Agency for the application of safeguards
in connection with the Treaty on the Non- Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons, 5/ as well as the statements of the President of the
Security Council of 31 March, 30 May and 4 November 1994; 6/ expressing
its grave concern that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
has failed to discharge its safeguards obligations; and supporting
all efforts, including ongoing bilateral discussions, which can
contribute to the full implementation by the Democratic People's
Republic of its safeguards agreement,
Bearing in mind resolutions GC(XXXVIII)/RES/6 on measures
to resolve international radioactive waste management issues,
GC(XXXVIII)/RES/7 on a plan for producing potable water economically,
GC(XXXVIII)/RES/8 on the strengthening of the Agency's technical
cooperation activities, GC(XXXVIII)/RES/10 on strengthening the
effectiveness and improving the efficiency of the safeguards system,
GC(XXXVIII)/RES/15 on measures against the illicit trafficking
in nuclear material, GC(XXXVIII)/RES/16 on the implementation
of the agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea for the application of safeguards in connection
with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, GC(XXXVIII)/RES/17
on an African nuclear-weapon-free zone, GC(XXXVIII)/RES/19 on
the implementation of Security Council resolutions 687 (1991),
707 (1991) and 715 (1991) relating to Iraq and GC(XXXVIII)/RES/21
on the application of Agency safeguards in the Middle East, adopted
on 23 September 1994 by the General Conference of the Agency at
its thirty-eighth regular session, 4/
Taking note also of resolution GC(XXXVIII)/RES/14 on the
amendment of article VI of the statute relating to the membership
of the Board of Governors of the Agency, 4/
Welcoming resolution GC(XXXVIII)/RES/18 of the General
Conference of the Agency inviting South Africa to resume participation
in all activities of the Agency, 4/
Noting the adoption on 17 June 1994 and the opening for
signature of the Convention on Nuclear Safety at the Agency headquarters
at Vienna, 7/
1. Takes note of the report of the International Atomic
Energy Agency;
2. Affirms its confidence in the role of the Agency in
the application of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes;
3. Urges all States to strive for effective and harmonious
international cooperation in carrying out the work of the Agency,
pursuant to its statute; in promoting the use of nuclear energy
and the application of the necessary measures to strengthen further
the safety of nuclear installations and to minimize risks to life,
health and the environment; in strengthening technical assistance
and cooperation for developing countries; and in ensuring the
effectiveness and efficiency of the safeguards systems of the
4. Welcomes the measures and decisions taken by the Agency
to strengthen the safeguards system;
5. Welcomes also the measures and decisions taken by the
Agency to strengthen its technical assistance and cooperation
6. Commends the Director General and the secretariat of
the Agency for their impartial efforts to implement the safeguards
agreement still in force between the Agency and the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea, and urges the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea to cooperate without further delay with the
Agency in the full implementation of the safeguards agreement
and to allow the Agency to have access to all safeguards-relevant
information and locations;
7. Also commends the Director General of the Agency and
his staff for their strenuous efforts in the implementation of
Security Council resolutions 687 (1991) of 3 April, 707 (1991)
of 15 August and 715 (1991) of 11 October 1991, and stresses the
need for Iraq to continue its cooperation with the Agency in achieving
the complete and long-term implementation of the relevant Security
Council resolutions;
8. Calls upon all States to take all necessary measures
to prevent illicit trafficking in nuclear material, and welcomes
the initiatives taken by the Agency to intensify international
cooperation efforts in this respect;
9. Appeals to all States to become parties to the Convention
on Nuclear Safety;
10. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit to the Director
General of the Agency the records of the forty-ninth session of
the General Assembly relating to the activities of the Agency.
90th plenary meeting
15 December 1994
1/ International Atomic Energy Agency, The Annual Report for 1993
(Austria, July 1994) (GC(XXXVIII)/2 and Corr.1); transmitted to
the members of the General Assembly by a note by the Secretary-General
(A/49/297 and Corr.1).
2/ See Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-ninth Session,
Plenary Meetings, 33rd meeting, and corrigendum.
3/ United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 729, No. 10485.
4/ International Atomic Energy Agency, Resolutions and Other Decisions
of the General Conference, Thirty-eighth Regular Session, 19-23
September 1994 (CG(XXXVIII)/RES/DEC(1994).
5/ INFCIRC/403.
6/ S/PRST/1994/13, 28 and 64, respectively.
7/ INFCIRC/449.