Water Supply and Sanitation, G.A. res. 50/126, U.N. Doc. A/RES/50/126 (1995)

      The General Assembly,
      Recalling the provisions of its resolution 2095 (XX) of 20 December 1965
to the effect that the World Food Programme was to be reviewed before each
pledging conference,
      Noting that the Programme was reviewed by the Committee on Food Aid
Policies and Programmes of the World Food Programme at its thirty-seventh
session and by the Economic and Social Council at its substantive session of
      Having considered Economic and Social Council resolution 1995/3 of 13
July 1995 and the comments of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and
      Recognizing the value of multilateral food aid as implemented by the
World Food Programme since its inception and the necessity for continuing its
action both as a form of capital investment and for meeting emergency food
      1.    Establishes for the period 1997-1998 a target for voluntary
contributions to the World Food Programme of $1.3 billion;
      2.    Urges States Members of the United Nations and members and
associate members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations and appropriate donor organizations to make every effort to ensure
that the target is fully attained;
      3.    Requests the Secretary-General, in cooperation with the Director-
General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, to
convene a pledging conference for this purpose at United Nations Headquarters
in 1996. 



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