International action to combat drug abuse and illicit production and trafficking, G.A. res. 51/64, 51 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 189, U.N. Doc. A/51/49 (Vol. I) (1996).

      The General Assembly,
      Recalling its resolutions 49/168 of 23 December 1994 and 50/148 of 21
December 1995,
      Gravely concerned that, despite increased efforts by States and relevant
international organizations, there is a global expansion of illicit demand
for, production of and trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic
substances, including synthetic and designer drugs, which threatens the
health, safety and well- being of millions of persons, in particular young
people, in all countries, as well as the political and socio-economic systems
and the stability, national security and sovereignty of an increasing number
of States,
      Deeply alarmed by the growing violence and economic power of criminal
organizations and terrorist groups engaged in drug trafficking activities and
other criminal activities, such as money laundering and illicit traffic of
arms and precursors and essential chemicals, and by the increasing
transnational links between them, and recognizing that enhanced international
cooperation and effective strategies are required to achieve results against
all forms of transnational criminal activities,
      Convinced of the desirability of closer coordination and cooperation
among States in combating drug-related crimes, such as terrorism, illicit arms
trade and money laundering, and bearing in mind the role that could be played
by both the United Nations and regional organizations in this respect,
      Fully aware that States, the relevant organizations of the United
Nations system and multilateral development banks need to accord a higher
priority to dealing with this scourge, which undermines development, economic
and political stability and democratic institutions, and the combat against
which entails increasing economic costs for Governments and the irreparable
loss of human lives,
      Reaffirming and stressing the need for increased efforts to implement
the comprehensive framework for international cooperation in drug control
provided by the existing drug control conventions, the Declaration and the
Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse
Control, the Political Declaration and Global Programme of Action adopted by
the General Assembly at its seventeenth special session devoted to the
question of international cooperation against illicit production, supply,
demand, trafficking and distribution of narcotic and psychotropic substances,
the Declaration adopted by the World Ministerial Summit to Reduce the Demand
for Drugs and to Combat the Cocaine Threat, the United Nations System-wide
Action Plan on Drug Abuse Control, the Naples Political Declaration and Global
Action Plan against Organized Transnational Crime and other relevant
international standards,
      Recognizing the efforts of countries that produce narcotic drugs for
scientific, medicinal and therapeutic uses to prevent the diversion of such
substances to illicit markets and to maintain production at a level consistent
with licit demand in line with the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of
      Convinced that civil society, including non-governmental organizations,
can make an effective contribution to address the illicit drug problem,
      Acknowledging that there are links, under certain circumstances, between
poverty and the increase in the illicit production of and trafficking in
narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and that the promotion of the
economic development of countries affected by the illicit drug trade requires
appropriate measures, including strengthened international cooperation in
support of alternative and sustainable development activities in the affected
areas of those countries, which have as their objectives the reduction and
elimination of illicit drug production,
      Stressing that respect for human rights is and must be an essential
component of measures taken to address the drug problem,
      Emphasizing the need for an analysis of transit routes used by drug
traffickers, which are constantly changing and expanding to include a growing
number of countries and regions in all parts of the world,
      Underlining the role of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs as the
principal United Nations policy-making body on drug control issues, the
leadership role and commendable work of the United Nations International Drug
Control Programme as the main focus for concerted international action and the
important role of the International Narcotics Control Board as an independent
monitoring authority as set out in the international drug control treaties,
      Recalling the important and central role of relevant United Nations
bodies in evaluating the implementation by States parties of their obligations
under the United Nations drug control treaties, as set out in those treaties,
      Convinced that the holding of a special session of the General Assembly
devoted to the strengthening of international cooperation against the illicit
production, sale, demand, trafficking and distribution of narcotic drugs and
psychotropic substances and related activities could make a significant
contribution to the effectiveness of the United Nations and its Member States
in the fight against this global problem,
      1.    Reaffirms that the fight against drug abuse and illicit
trafficking must be carried out in full conformity with the purposes and
principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and international
law, particularly respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
States and the non-use of force or the threat of force in international
      2.    Calls upon all States to intensify their actions to promote
effective cooperation in the efforts to combat drug abuse and illicit
trafficking, so as to contribute to a climate conducive to achieving this end,
on the basis of the principles of equal rights and mutual respect;
                        PRODUCTION AND TRAFFICKING
      1.    Renews its commitment to further strengthening international
cooperation and substantially increasing efforts against the cultivation for
illegal purposes, illicit production, sale, demand, traffic and distribution
of narcotics and psychotropic substances, including synthetic drugs, and to
controlling and preventing the diversion of precursors and essential chemicals
used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic and psychotropic substances, in
accordance with obligations of States under the United Nations drug control
conventions, based on the principle of shared responsibility and taking into
account experience gained;
      2.    Urges all States to ratify or accede to and implement all the
provisions of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 as amended by
the 1972 Protocol, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 and the
United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances of 1988;
      3.    Calls upon all States to adopt adequate national laws and
regulations, to strengthen national judicial systems and to carry out
effective drug control activities in cooperation with other States in
accordance with those international instruments;
      4.    Requests the United Nations International Drug Control Programme:
      (a)   To continue to support the focus on regional, subregional and
national strategies for drug abuse control, particularly the master-plan
approach, and to complement those strategies with effective interregional
      (b)   To seek to strengthen the dialogue and cooperation with
multilateral development banks so that they might undertake lending and
programming activities related to drug control in interested and affected
countries and to inform the Commission on Narcotic Drugs on further progress
made in this area;
      (c)   To continue to provide legal assistance to Member States that
request it in adjusting their national laws, policies and infrastructures to
implement the international drug control conventions, as well as assistance in
training personnel responsible for applying the new laws;
      (d)   To continue providing assistance to Member States requesting
support in establishing or strengthening national drug detection laboratories;
      (e)   To continue to include in its report on illicit traffic in drugs
an assessment of worldwide trends in illicit traffic and transit in narcotic
drugs and psychotropic substances, including methods and routes used, and to
recommend ways and means for improving the capacity of States along those
routes to deal with all aspects of the drug problem;
      5.    Reaffirms the danger and threat posed to civil society by drug
trafficking and its links to terrorism, transnational crime, money laundering
and the arms trade, and encourages Governments to deal with this threat and to
cooperate to prevent the channelling of funds to and between those engaged in
such activities;
      6.    Acknowledges that there are links between the illicit production
of, demand for and traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and
the economic and social conditions in the affected countries and that there
are differences and diversity in the problems of each country;
      7.    Calls upon the international community to provide increased
economic and technical support to Governments that request it for programmes
of alternative and sustainable development, which have as their objectives the
reduction and elimination of illicit drug production and which take fully into
account the cultural traditions of peoples;
      8.    Recalls that the World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year
2000 and Beyond, adopted by the General Assembly on 14 December 1995, stresses
the importance of participation of youth organizations and youth in
decision-making processes, in particular in relation to demand reduction
programmes for illicit drugs;
      9.    Stresses the need for effective government action to prevent the
diversion to illicit markets of precursors and essential chemicals, materials
and equipment used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and
psychotropic substances;
      10.   Commends the International Narcotics Control Board for its
valuable work in monitoring the production and distribution of narcotic drugs
and psychotropic substances so as to limit their use to medical and scientific
purposes, and urges increased efforts to implement its mandate under article
12 of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs
and Psychotropic Substances of 1988 concerning the monitoring of the movement
of precursors and essential chemicals;
      11.   Notes that the International Narcotics Control Board needs
sufficient resources to carry out its mandate, including under article 12 of
the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances of 1988, and therefore urges Member States to commit
themselves in a common effort to assign adequate and sufficient budgetary
resources to the International Narcotics Control Board, in accordance with
Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/20 of 23 July 1996;
      12.   Calls upon States to increase efforts, with international
cooperation, to reduce and eliminate illegal crops from which narcotics are
obtained, as well as to prevent and reduce the demand for and the consumption
of illicit drugs, in accordance with their obligations under the Single
Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 and the United Nations Convention against
Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988;
      13.   Underlines the need for Governments, with international
cooperation, to increase and implement alternative development programmes with
the objective of reducing and eliminating the production of illicit drugs,
taking into account the economic, social, cultural, political and
environmental aspects of the area concerned;
      14.   Emphasizes the need to maintain the capacity of the International
Narcotics Control Board, including through the provision of appropriate means
by the Secretary-General, within existing resources, and adequate technical
support by the United Nations International Drug Control Programme;
      15.   Reaffirms the importance of achieving the objectives of the United
Nations Decade against Drug Abuse 1991-2000, under the theme "A global
response to a global challenge", by Member States, the United Nations
International Drug Control Programme and the United Nations system;
      16.   Calls upon Member States to continue to cooperate with the United
Nations International Drug Control Programme by providing relevant information
and their views on the draft declaration on the guiding principles of demand
reduction being developed by the Executive Director of the United Nations
International Drug Control Programme in consultation with Member States, with
due regard to the linkages between demand and supply reduction activities, and
reaffirms the importance of Economic and Social Council resolutions 1996/18 of
23 July 1996 on the draft declaration on the guiding principles of demand
reduction and 1995/16 of 24 July 1995 on integration of demand reduction
initiatives into a cohesive strategy to combat drug abuse;
      17.   Welcomes Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/29 of 24 July
1996 on action to strengthen international cooperation to control precursors
and their substitutes used in the illicit manufacture of controlled
substances, in particular amphetamine-type stimulants, and to prevent their
diversion, and calls upon Member States to strengthen their efforts to control
precursors and their substitutes in cooperation with the International
Narcotics Control Board;
      18.   Welcomes with satisfaction resolution 5 (XXXVIII) of the
Commission on Narcotic Drugs on strategies for illicit supply reduction,
reaffirming the need to apply effective strategies for supply reduction, based
on the implementation of plans and programmes for alternative development,
which have as their objectives the reduction and elimination of illicit drug
      19.   Stresses the importance of the high-level segment of the 1996
session of the Economic and Social Council, at which Member States reaffirmed
their political will and commitment to adopt concrete actions for enhanced
international cooperation at all levels;
                            GLOBAL PROGRAMME OF ACTION
      1.    Reaffirms the importance of the Global Programme of Action as a
comprehensive framework for national, regional and international action to
combat illicit production of, demand for and trafficking in narcotic drugs and
psychotropic substances;
      2.    Calls upon States to implement the mandates and recommendations of
the Global Programme of Action, with a view to translating it into practical
action for drug abuse control at the national, regional and international
      3.    Urges all Governments and competent regional organizations to
develop a balanced approach within the framework of comprehensive demand
reduction activities, giving adequate priority to prevention, treatment,
research, social reintegration and training in the context of national
strategic plans to combat drug abuse;
      4.    Calls upon the relevant United Nations bodies, the specialized
agencies, the international financial institutions and other concerned
intergovernmental organizations and all actors of civil society, notably
non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, sports
associations and the private sector, to cooperate with and assist States in
their efforts to promote and implement the Global Programme of Action;
      5.    Welcomes the efforts made by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and
the United Nations International Drug Control Programme to facilitate
reporting by Governments on the implementation of the Global Programme of
Action, and encourages them to pursue those efforts so as to increase the
number of Governments that respond;
      6.    Notes the efforts being made by the United Nations International
Drug Control Programme and other United Nations bodies to obtain reliable data
on drug abuse and illicit trafficking, including the development of the
International Drug Abuse Assessment System, encourages the Programme, in
cooperation with other United Nations bodies, to take further steps to
facilitate the efficient collection of data so as to avoid duplication of
effort, and encourages also the increased and timely provision of updated
information by Member States;
      7.    Takes note of Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/20 of 23
July 1996 on strengthening of the role of the International Narcotics Control
Board and development of a unified information system for the collection and
analysis of data concerning the nature, patterns and trends of the global
problem of drug abuse;
      8.    Invites the United Nations International Drug Control Programme to
consider ways of providing assistance to Member States that request it in
their efforts to establish appropriate mechanisms to collect and analyse data
and to seek voluntary resources for this purpose;
      9.    Underlines the importance of precise and reliable information on
the impact of the drug problem on the world economy;
      10.   Calls upon Member States to continue to make efforts to provide
systematic, precise and updated information to the United Nations
International Drug Control Programme on the various ways in which the drug
problem affects their economies;
      1.    Welcomes Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/17 of 23 July
1996, and notes with satisfaction the support expressed at the high-level
segment of the Economic and Social Council of 1996 for the proposal to convene
a special session of the General Assembly in 1998;
      2.    Decides to convene a special session in order to consider the
fight against the illicit production, sale, demand, traffic and distribution
of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and related activities and to
propose new strategies, methods, practical activities and specific measures to
strengthen international cooperation in addressing the problem of illicit
      3.    Stresses that the special session should, as noted in Economic and
Social Council resolution 1996/17, be devoted to assessing the existing
situation within the framework of a comprehensive and balanced approach that
includes all aspects of the problem, with a view to strengthening
international cooperation to address the problem of illicit drugs within the
framework of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988 and other relevant conventions and
international instruments;
      4.    Reaffirms that, at its special session, it will address the issues
on the basis of the principle of shared responsibility and with full respect
for the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and
international law, particularly respect for the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of States;
      5.    Decides that the special session will be held for three days in
June 1998, immediately after all the necessary preparatory work has been done
to ensure its success and ten years after the adoption of the United Nations
Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances of 1988;
      6.    Decides also that the Commission on Narcotic Drugs should act as
the preparatory body for the special session of the General Assembly and that
its deliberations should be open-ended, allowing for the full participation of
all States Members of the United Nations and members of specialized agencies
and observers, in accordance with established practice;
      7.    Invites the Commission on Narcotics Drugs to take appropriate
measures to prepare for the special session, as early as possible, including
the possibility of establishing working groups;
      8.    Notes with appreciation the initiatives by Member States aimed at
providing input to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs in its capacity as a
preparatory forum for the special session, including the convening of groups
of high-level governmental experts;
      9.    Recognizes the important role played by non-governmental
organizations in the implementation of the Global Programme of Action
contained in the annex to resolution S-17/2 of 23 February 1990, and
recognizes the need for their active involvement in preparations for the
special session in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution
1996/31 of 25 July 1996, as well as the need to ensure appropriate
arrangements for their contribution during the special session;
      10.   Decides that the preparatory process for the special session of
the General Assembly should be funded through the regular budget of the United
Nations, bearing in mind the need to keep financial costs to a minimum, and
that Governments should be invited to make extrabudgetary contributions to
meet those costs;
      11.   Decides also that, as recommended by the Economic and Social
Council, the special session shall have the following objectives:
      (a)   To promote the adherence to and full implementation by all States
of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, the Convention on
Psychotropic Substances of 1971 and the United Nations Convention against
Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988;
      (b)   To adopt measures to increase international cooperation to
contribute to the application of the law;
      (c)   To adopt measures to avoid the diversion of chemicals used in
illicit drug production and to strengthen control of the production of and
traffic in stimulants and their precursors;
      (d)   To adopt and promote drug abuse control programmes and policies
and other measures, including those at the international level, to reduce the
illicit demand for drugs;
      (e)   To adopt measures to prevent and sanction money laundering, in
order to implement the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988;
      (f)   To encourage international cooperation to develop programmes of
eradication of illicit crops and to promote alternative development
      (g)   To adopt measures to strengthen coordination within the United
Nations system in the fight against drug trafficking and related organized
crime, against terrorist groups engaged in drug trafficking and against
illicit arms trade;
      12.   Decides further, at its special session, to review resolution
S-17/2, particularly the progress made in implementing the Global Programme of
Action annexed thereto;
      13.   Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on preparations
for, possible outcome of and organizational matters relating to the special
session of the General Assembly, and invites the Commission on Narcotic Drugs,
while undertaking preparations for the special session, to bear in mind the
recommendations contained in that report;
      14.   Invites the Commission on Narcotic Drugs to report to the General
Assembly at its fifty-second session, through the Economic and Social Council,
on the progress in the preparations for the special session;
      15.   Stresses the importance of taking into account a gender
perspective in preparing the outcome of the special session;
      16.   Encourages the participation of developing countries and
assistance to the least developed countries, in order to work actively towards
the attainment of the objectives and goals of the special session;
      17.   Invites organs, organizations and specialized agencies of the
United Nations system, including multilateral development banks, to contribute
fully to the preparations for the special session of the General Assembly, in
particular by submitting to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, as the
preparatory body for the special session, through the Executive Director of
the United Nations International Drug Control Programme, concrete
recommendations on the issues to be addressed by the special session;
      1.    Supports the United Nations System-wide Action Plan on Drug Abuse
Control as a vital tool for the coordination and enhancement of drug abuse
control activities within the United Nations system, and requests that it be
updated and reviewed on a biennial basis with a view to continuing efforts to
improve its presentation and usefulness as a strategic tool of the United
Nations for the drug problem;
      2.    Reaffirms the role of the Executive Director of the United Nations
International Drug Control Programme in coordinating and providing effective
leadership for all United Nations drug control activities, so as to increase
cost-effectiveness and ensure coherence of action within the Programme as well
as coordination, complementarity and non-duplication of such activities
throughout the United Nations system;
      3.    Urges the United Nations organizations associated with the United
Nations System-wide Action Plan on Drug Abuse Control to collaborate further
with the United Nations International Drug Control Programme to integrate the
drug control dimension and assistance into their programming and planning
processes to ensure that the drug problem is being addressed in all its
aspects in relevant programmes;
      4.    Takes note of the recent action taken by the Administrative
Committee on Coordination to ensure the increased commitment by the
specialized agencies, programmes and funds, as well as international financial
institutions, to include the drug control dimension in their programmes of
      5.    Invites Member States to engage United Nations agencies and
multilateral development banks in addressing the drug problem in all its
aspects and to promote due consideration by governing bodies of requests for
assistance for drug control programmes at the national level;
      1.    Welcomes the efforts of the United Nations International Drug
Control Programme to implement its mandates within the framework of the
international drug control treaties, the Comprehensive Multidisciplinary
Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control, the Global Programme of
Action and relevant consensus documents;
      2.    Notes with concern the decline of available resources for the Fund
of the United Nations International Drug Control Programme;
      3.    Endorses Commission on Narcotic Drugs resolution 10 (XXXIX)
regarding a new system of financing activities of the United Nations
International Drug Control Programme, and urges all Governments to provide the
fullest possible financial and political support to the organization by
widening the donor base of the Programme and increasing voluntary
contributions, in particular general-purpose contributions, to enable it to
continue, expand and strengthen its operational and technical cooperation
      4.    Invites Governments and the United Nations International Drug
Control Programme to consider ways and means of improving the coordination of
United Nations drug control-related activities;
      5.    Notes with appreciation the efforts made by the Executive Director
of the United Nations International Drug Control Programme to comply with the
approved format and methodology of the programme budget of the Fund, in
accordance with relevant resolutions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and
the General Assembly and the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on
Administrative and Budgetary Questions, and encourages the Executive Director
to continue his efforts to improve the presentation and transparency of the
      6.    Stresses the importance of the meetings of heads of national law
enforcement agencies, and encourages them to consider ways to improve their
functioning and to strengthen their impact so as to enhance cooperation in the
fight against drugs at the regional level;
      1.    Takes note of the reports of the Secretary-General submitted under
the item entitled "International drug control";
      2.    Requests the Secretary-General, taking into account the promotion
of integrated reporting:
      (a)   To submit comments to the General Assembly at its fifty-second
session, if necessary, on the report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
regarding the preparations for the 1998 special session of the General
      (b)   To include in his annual report on the implementation of the
Global Programme of Action recommendations on ways and means to improve
implementation and provision of information by Member States;
      (c)   To submit to the General Assembly at its fifty-third session an
updated report on the status of the United Nations Convention against Illicit
Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988.



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