New international humanitarian order, G.A. res. 51/74, 51 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 206, U.N. Doc. A/51/49 (Vol. I) (1996).

      The General Assembly,
      Recalling its resolution 49/170 of 23 December 1994 and other pertinent
resolutions relating to the promotion of a new international humanitarian
order and international cooperation in the humanitarian field,
      Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General and the previous
reports containing the comments and views of Governments, the specialized
agencies and non-governmental organizations,
      Noting that a number of Governments have not yet submitted their
comments with regard to the above-mentioned resolutions,
      Noting with deep concern the growing scale of humanitarian emergencies
involving widespread suffering, loss of life and uprootedness,
      Noting the corresponding increase in the burden on the international
community in providing emergency relief for protracted periods while durable
solutions remain evasive, to the detriment of stability and security and
thereby adversely affecting economic and social development,
      Bearing in mind the urgent need to ensure respect for and promotion of
the principles and norms relating to humanitarian emergencies,
      1.    Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General for his
continuing support for the efforts to promote a new international humanitarian
      2.    Urges Governments and governmental and non-governmental
organizations that have not yet done so to submit their comments and views to
the Secretary-General regarding the promotion of a new international
humanitarian order;
      3.    Requests Governments to make available to the Secretary-General,
on a voluntary basis, information and expertise on humanitarian issues of
special concern to them, in order to identify opportunities for future action;
      4.    Invites the Independent Bureau for Humanitarian Issues to continue
and to strengthen further its activities in cooperation with the governmental
and non-governmental bodies concerned, including local and regional
capacity-building to respond to humanitarian problems and the search for more
effective measures to increase international cooperation in the humanitarian
      5.    Requests the Secretary-General to remain in contact with
Governments and non-governmental organizations, including the Independent
Bureau for Humanitarian Issues, in order to report in a comprehensive manner
on the progress made by them to the General Assembly at its fifty-third



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