Adopted by the Security Council at its 4144th meeting, on 17 May 2000
The Security Council,
Recalling its resolutions 1177 (1998) of 26 June 1998, 1226 (1999)
of 29 January 1999, 1227 (1999) of 10 February 1999 and 1297 (2000)
of 12 May 2000,
Recalling in particular its urging of all States to end all
sales of arms and munitions to Eritrea and Ethiopia contained in its
resolution 1227 (1999),
Deeply disturbed by the continuation of fighting between Eritrea
and Ethiopia,
Deploring the loss of human life resulting from the fighting, and
strongly regretting the negative impact the diversion of resources
to the conflict continues to have on efforts to address the ongoing
humanitarian food crisis in the region,
Stressing the need for both parties to achieve a peaceful resolution
of the conflict,
Reaffirming the commitment of all Member States to the sovereignty,
independence and territorial integrity of Eritrea and Ethiopia,
Expressing its strong support for the efforts of the Organization
of African Unity (OAU) to achieve a peaceful resolution of the conflict,
Noting that the proximity talks held in Algiers from 29 April to
5 May 2000 and reported in the OAU Communiqu� of 5 May 2000 (S/ 2000/
394) were intended to assist the two parties to arrive at a final detailed
peace implementation plan acceptable to each of them, which would lead
to the peaceful resolution of the conflict,
Recalling the efforts of the Security Council, including through
its Mission to the region, to achieve a peaceful resolution of the situation,
Convinced of the need for further and immediate diplomatic efforts,
Noting with concern that the fighting has serious humanitarian implications
for the civilian population of the two States,
Stressing that the hostilities constitute an increasing threat
to the stability, security and economic development of the subregion,
Determining that the situation between Eritrea and Ethiopia constitutes
a threat to regional peace and security,
Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,
1. Strongly condemns the continued fighting between Eritrea and
2. Demands that both parties immediately cease all military action
and refrain from the further use of force;
3. Demands further that both parties withdraw their forces
from military engagement and take no action that would aggravate tensions;
4. Demands the earliest possible reconvening, without preconditions,
of substantive peace talks, under OAU auspices, on the basis of the
Agreement and the Modalities and of the work conducted by the OAU as
recorded in its Communiqu� issued by its current Chairman of 5 May 2000
(S/ 2000/ 394), which would conclude a peaceful definitive settlement
of the conflict;
5. Requests that the current Chairman of the OAU consider dispatching
urgently his Personal Envoy to the region to seek immediate cessation
of hostilities
and resumption of the peace talks;
6. Decides that all States shall prevent:
(a) the sale or supply to Eritrea and Ethiopia, by their nationals or
from their territories, or using their flag vessels or aircraft, of
arms and related mat�riel of all types, including weapons and
ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment
and spare parts for the aforementioned, whether or not originating in
their territory;
(b) any provision to Eritrea and Ethiopia by their nationals or from
their territories of technical assistance or training related to the
provision, manufacture,
maintenance or use of the items in (a) above;
7. Decides also that the measures imposed by paragraph 6 above
shall not apply to supplies of non-lethal military equipment intended
solely for humanitarian use, as approved in advance by the Committee
established by paragraph 8 below;
8. Decides to establish, in accordance with rule 28 of its provisional
rules of procedure, a Committee of the Security Council consisting of
all the members of the Council, to undertake the following tasks and
to report on its work to the Council with its observations and recommendations:
(a) to seek from all States further information regarding the action
taken by them with a view to implementing effectively the measures imposed
by paragraph 6 above, and thereafter to request from them whatever further
information it may consider necessary;
(b) to consider information brought to its attention by States concerning
violations of the measures imposed by paragraph 6 above and to recommend
appropriate measures in response thereto;
(c) to make periodic reports to the Security Council on information
submitted to it regarding alleged violations of the measures imposed
by paragraph 6
above, identifying where possible persons or entities, including vessels
and aircraft, reported to be engaged in such violations;
(d) to promulgate such guidelines as may be necessary to facilitate
the implementation of the measures imposed by paragraph 6 above;
(e) to give consideration to, and decide upon, requests for the exceptions
set out in paragraph 7 above;
(f) to examine the reports submitted pursuant to paragraphs 11 and 12
9. Calls upon all States and all international and regional organizations
to act strictly in conformity with this resolution, notwithstanding
the existence of any
rights granted or obligations conferred or imposed by any international
agreement or of any contract entered into or any licence or permit granted
prior to the entry into force of the measures imposed by paragraph 6
10. Requests the Secretary-General to provide all necessary assistance
to the Committee established by paragraph 8 above and to make the necessary
arrangements in the Secretariat for this purpose;
11. Requests States to report in detail to the Secretary-General
within 30 days of the date of adoption of this resolution on the specific
steps they have taken to give effect to the measures imposed by paragraph
6 above;
12. Requests all States, relevant United Nations bodies and,
as appropriate, other organizations and interested parties to report
information on possible
violations of the measures imposed by paragraph 6 above to the Committee
established by paragraph 8 above;
13. Requests the Committee established by paragraph 8 above
to make information it considers relevant publicly available through
appropriate media,
including through the improved use of information technology;
14. Requests the Governments of Eritrea and Ethiopia and other
concerned parties to establish appropriate arrangements for the provision
of humanitarian
assistance and to endeavour to ensure that such assistance responds
to local needs and is safely delivered to, and used by, its intended
15. Requests the Secretary-General to submit an initial report
to the Council within 15 days of the date of adoption of this resolution
on compliance with
paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 above, and thereafter every 60 days after the
date of adoption of this resolution on its implementation and on the
humanitarian situation in Eritrea and Ethiopia;
16. Decides that the measures imposed by paragraph 6 above are
established for twelve months and that, at the end of this period, the
Council will decide
whether the Governments of Eritrea and Ethiopia have complied with
paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 above, and, accordingly, whether to extend these
measures for a further period with the same conditions;
17. Decides also that the measures imposed by paragraph 6 above
shall be terminated immediately if the Secretary-General reports that
a peaceful definitive settlement of the conflict has been concluded;
18. Decides to remain seized of the matter.