International Court of Justice, U.N. Doc. S/RES/980 (1995).

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3510th meeting, on 22 March 1995

The Security Council,

with regret the resignation of Judge Sir Robert Yewdall Jennings, taking effect on 10 July 1995,

Noting further that a vacancy in the International Court of Justice for the remainder of the term of office of Judge Sir Robert Yewdall Jennings will thus occur and must be filled in accordance with the terms of the Statute of the Court,

Noting that, in accordance with Article 14 of the Statute, the date of the election to fill the vacancy shall be fixed by the Security Council,

Decides that the election to fill the vacancy shall take place on 12 July 1995 at a meeting of the Security Council and at a meeting of the General Assembly at its forty-ninth session.

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