Adopted by the Security Council at its 3639th meeting, on 5
March 1996
The Security Council,
Reaffirming its previous resolutions and the statements of
its President concerning the situation in Burundi, in particular
the statement of its President of 5 January 1996 (S/PRST/1996/1)
and resolution 1040 (1996) of 29 January 1996,
Noting the views expressed by the Government of Burundi
set out in the letter to the President of the Security Council
dated 13 February 1996 (S/1996/110, annex),
Welcoming the efforts of the President and the Prime Minister
of Burundi and other members of the Government to calm the situation
in the country,
Deeply concerned at the support extended to certain groups
in Burundi by some of the perpetrators of the genocide in Rwanda
and the threat this poses to the stability of the region,
Deeply concerned also at all acts of violence in Burundi
and at the continued incitement to ethnic hatred and violence
by radio stations and the growth of calls for exclusion and genocide,
Deeply disturbed that the persistence of the conflict has
had a negative impact on the humanitarian situation and on the
capacity of the international community to continue to assist
the people of Burundi,
Supporting the work of the Commission of Inquiry established
by resolution 1012 (1995),
Taking note of the letter from the Secretary-General to
the President of the Council dated 3 January 1996 (S/1996/8),
in which he reports that the Commission of Inquiry believes the
United Nations security personnel currently provided for its protection
are inadequate,
Reiterating the urgent need for all concerned in Burundi,
including extremists inside and outside the country, to make concerted
efforts to defuse the present crisis and to commit themselves
to a dialogue aimed at establishing a permanent political settlement
and the creation of conditions conducive to national reconciliation,
Reaffirming its commitment to assist the people of Burundi
to achieve a lasting political solution,
Recognizing the urgent need for preparations aimed at anticipating
and preventing the escalation of the present crisis in Burundi,
Reaffirming its support for the Convention of Government
of 10 September 1994 (S/1995/190, annex), and for the institutions
of Government established in line with it,
1. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General of 15 February
1996 (S/1996/116);
2. Condemns in the strongest terms all acts of violence perpetrated
against civilians, refugees and international humanitarian personnel
and the assassination of government officials;
3. Demands that all concerned in Burundi refrain from all acts
of violence, incitement to violence and from seeking to destabilize
the security situation or depose the Government by force or by
other unconstitutional means;
4. Calls upon all concerned in Burundi to engage, as a matter
of urgency, in serious negotiations and mutual accommodation within
the framework of the National Debate agreed upon by the signatories
to the Convention and to increase efforts towards national reconciliation;
5. Reiterates its invitation to Member States and others to cooperate
in the identification and dismantling of radio stations which
incite hatred and acts of violence in Burundi;
6. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with interested
States and organizations, to report to the Council on the possibility
of establishing a United Nations radio station in Burundi, including
through voluntary contributions, to promote reconciliation and
dialogue and to relay constructive information as well as supporting
the activities undertaken by other United Nations agencies, particularly
in the fields of refugees and returnees;
7. Calls upon all parties to cooperate fully with the Commission
of Inquiry, reminds the Government of Burundi of its responsibility
to ensure security and protection for members and personnel of
the Commission, requests the Secretary-General to continue his
consultations with the Government of Burundi and the Organization
of African Unity Observer Mission in Burundi with a view to ensure
that adequate security is provided for the Commission, and invites
Member States to provide adequate voluntary financing to the Commission;
8. Expresses strong support for the efforts of the Secretary-General
of the United Nations and his Special Representative, the Organization
of African Unity, the European Union, former Presidents Nyerere
and Carter and the other facilitators appointed by the Cairo Conference,
and others seeking to facilitate political dialogue in Burundi
and encourages the international community to extend political
and financial support to the National Debate;
9. Invites Member States and regional, international and non-
governmental organizations to stand ready to provide assistance
in support of progress achieved by the parties towards political
dialogue, and to cooperate with the Government of Burundi in initiatives
for comprehensive rehabilitation in Burundi, including in military
and police reform, judicial assistance, development programmes
and support at international financial institutions;
10. Encourages the Organization of African Unity to increase the
size of its Observer Mission in Burundi, as formally requested
by the Government of Burundi, and stresses the need for the military
observers to operate without any restrictions on their movement
to any part of the country;
11. Declares its commitment and readiness to assist the parties
in their implementation of agreements reached through political
12. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation as appropriate
with the Government of Burundi, the Heads of State of the Great
Lakes Region, Member States concerned, the Organization of African
Unity and the European Union, to intensify the preparations for
convening a Regional Conference for Peace, Security and Development
in the Great Lakes Region to address the issues of political and
economic stability, as well as peace and security in the Great
Lakes States;
13. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue his consultations
with Member States concerned and the Organization of African Unity,
as appropriate, on contingency planning both for the steps that
might be taken to support a comprehensive dialogue and for a rapid
humanitarian response in the event of widespread violence or a
serious deterioration in the humanitarian situation in Burundi;
14. Decides to keep the situation under constant review, to consider
further the Secretary-General's recommendations in light of the
developments in Burundi and declares its readiness to respond
as appropriate considering all relevant options including those
contained in resolution 1040 (1996);
15. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Council closely
informed on the situation in Burundi, including on his efforts
to facilitate a comprehensive political dialogue, to report to
the Council in the event of a serious deterioration in the situation,
and to submit a full report on the implementation of this resolution
by 1 May 1996;
16. Decides to remain seized of the matter.