University of Minnesota


International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible For Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Former Yugoslavia Since 1991

Dayton Peace Accords on Bosnia (1996)
Statute of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991,
U.N. Doc. S/25704 at 36, annex (1993) and S/25704/Add.1 (1993), adopted by Security Council on 25 May 1993, U.N. Doc. S/RES/827 (1993).
Statute of the International Tribunal,
adopted by S.C. Res. 827, U.N. SCOR, 48th Sess., 3217th mtg. at 6, U.N. Doc. S/RES/827 (1993), 32 I.L.M. 1203 (1993).

Rules of Procedure and Evidence,
U.N. Doc. IT/32/Rev.7 (1996), entered into force 14 March 1994, amendments adopted 8 January 1996.

Rules of Detention
International Criminal Tribunal links
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
Case Law of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
(from the Human Rights Watch site)


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