General Statistics
This report gives you an overview of your web site and contains miscellaneous information.

Item Value
Hits 530935
Total Data Transferred 6.99 gigabytes
Total Visiting Users 70525
Time Period September 01, 2000, 12:00 AM to September 29, 2000, 07:57 PM
Average Hits per User 7.53
Average Users per Day 2431.90
Average Data Transferred per Day 246.77 megabytes
Hits cached by Client 111038 (20.91%)
Incomplete downloads/file requests 1940 (0.37%)
Log spans a period of 29 days
Total failed requests 16608 (3.13%)
Unique IP Addresses 29007
Average Data Transferred per User 103.91 kilobytes
Average Hits per Day 18308.10
Average Data Transferred per Hit 13.80 kilobytes
Each user has visited approximately 2.43 times
Hits on Pages 337951
Hits on Files 6836
Hits on Images 169540

Geographical Location
This report displays information about the countries visitors to your site are located in. The geographical information is derived from the suffix of the visitor's domain name; the .com and .us suffixes are interpreted to mean that the visitor is coming from the United States, the .uk suffix from the United Kingdom, .de from Germany, etc. Please note that this geographical information is not entirely accurate. Users from an international service provider like America Online will appear to come from the United States (because they are from, even though the user may actually reside outside of the United States.

Domain Name Hits Percentage
Commercial (.com) 75672 24.76%
Educational (.edu) 57197 18.72%
South Africa (.za) 50115 16.40%
Network (.net) 41782 13.67%
Argentina (.ar) 7086 2.32%
Australia (.au) 6885 2.25%
Non-profit Organization (.org) 6345 2.08%
Canada (.ca) 6067 1.99%
Mexico (.mx) 5647 1.85%
Japan (.jp) 5610 1.84%
France (.fr) 4046 1.32%
United Kingdon (.uk) 4018 1.31%
United States (.us) 3123 1.02%
Netherlands (.nl) 3105 1.02%
Germany (.de) 2414 0.79%
Italy (.it) 2101 0.69%
Sweden (.se) 1892 0.62%
Military (.mil) 1848 0.60%
Spain (.es) 1412 0.46%
Belgium (.be) 1202 0.39%
New Zealand (.nz) 1162 0.38%
Ireland (.ie) 1098 0.36%
Denmark (.dk) 1068 0.35%
Government (.gov) 1004 0.33%
Singapore (.sg) 882 0.29%
Switzerland (.ch) 860 0.28%
.int 616 0.20%
Norway (.no) 608 0.20%
Colombia (.co) 584 0.19%
Israel (.il) 582 0.19%
Taiwan, Republic of China (.tw) 552 0.18%
Poland (.pl) 464 0.15%
Uruguay (.uy) 413 0.14%
Austria (.at) 390 0.13%
India (.in) 374 0.12%
Brazil (.br) 360 0.12%
Croatia/Hrvatska (.hr) 354 0.12%
Finland (.fi) 352 0.12%
Malaysia (.my) 350 0.11%
Chile (.cl) 340 0.11%
Greece (.gr) 334 0.11%
Portugal (.pt) 328 0.11%
Hungary (.hu) 302 0.10%
Indonesia (.id) 280 0.09%
Panama (.pa) 258 0.08%
Thailand (.th) 236 0.08%
Yugoslavia (.yu) 206 0.07%
Venezuela (.ve) 198 0.06%
Peru (.pe) 176 0.06%
Bolivia (.bo) 172 0.06%
Slovenia (.si) 171 0.06%
Egypt (.eg) 170 0.06%
Czech Republic (.cz) 156 0.05%
Turkey (.tr) 156 0.05%
Namibia (.na) 150 0.05%
Rwanda (.rw) 128 0.04%
Hong Kong (.hk) 124 0.04%
Oman (.om) 118 0.04%
Bosnia and Herzegowina (.ba) 118 0.04%
Lebanon (.lb) 112 0.04%
Ecuador (.ec) 98 0.03%
Philippines (.ph) 96 0.03%
Trinidad and Tobago (.tt) 94 0.03%
Zimbabwe (.zw) 94 0.03%
Russian Federation (.ru) 92 0.03%
Romania (.ro) 92 0.03%
Iceland (.is) 88 0.03%
Pakistan (.pk) 86 0.03%
Nepal (.np) 64 0.02%
Estonia (.ee) 58 0.02%
Korea, Republic of (.kr) 58 0.02%
Nicaragua (.ni) 52 0.02%
Cayman Islands (.ky) 52 0.02%
Kyrgzstan (.kg) 52 0.02%
Lithuania (.lt) 50 0.02%
Georgia (.ge) 48 0.02%
Fiji (.fj) 42 0.01%
Old ARPA-net (.arpa) 42 0.01%
Ukraine (.ua) 36 0.01%
Botswana (.bw) 36 0.01%
Guatemala (.gt) 36 0.01%
Sri Lanka (.lk) 34 0.01%
Costa Rica (.cr) 34 0.01%
Bulgaria (.bg) 30 0.01%
Iran (Islamic Republic of) (.ir) 26 0.01%
Uganda (.ug) 24 0.01%
Slovakia (Slovak Republic) (.sk) 24 0.01%
Dominica (.dm) 20 0.01%
Jamaica (.jm) 20 0.01%
Bermuda (.bm) 18 0.01%
China (.cn) 17 0.01%
Luxembourg (.lu) 16 0.01%
Mongolia (.mn) 16 0.01%
Burkina Faso (.bf) 16 0.01%
Kenya (.ke) 14 0.00%
Paraguay (.py) 14 0.00%
Antigua and Barbuda (.ag) 12 0.00%
Togo (.tg) 12 0.00%
Martinique (.mq) 12 0.00%
Cambodia (.kh) 10 0.00%

Visiting Domain Names
This report displays information about the domain names of people who have visited your web site. If your web server does not manually resolve IP addresses, or you have not configured FastStatsAnalyzer to resolve IP addresses, then only IP addresses will be displayed. IP addresses are 32-bit numbers (like that uniquely identify a computer on the Internet.

Domain Name Hits Users Bandwidth 49204 41 10.27 megabytes 24354 35 410.97 megabytes 13828 323 273.03 megabytes 11814 5 36.24 megabytes 11038 705 230.84 megabytes 8650 230 143.92 megabytes 6938 332 30.87 megabytes 5330 6 98.59 megabytes 4024 48 0.00 bytes 3746 61 95.85 megabytes 3580 31 104.37 megabytes 3312 694 96.43 megabytes 3168 191 72.36 megabytes 2897 443 48.87 megabytes 2736 1343 0.00 bytes 2138 96 65.06 megabytes 1904 8 35.12 megabytes 1904 56 5.89 megabytes 1576 224 22.60 megabytes 1458 385 31.90 megabytes 1456 11 37.62 megabytes 1436 281 1.29 megabytes 1358 199 8.58 megabytes 1342 82 0.00 bytes 1302 64 30.37 megabytes 1282 216 22.14 megabytes 1150 455 29.12 megabytes 1138 181 16.75 megabytes 1130 155 15.50 megabytes 1116 239 15.53 megabytes 1104 190 17.36 megabytes 1092 157 21.17 megabytes 1020 146 12.71 megabytes 1014 11 15.99 megabytes 980 186 20.93 megabytes 957 136 11.63 megabytes 926 36 2.25 megabytes 922 139 10.64 megabytes 894 1 15.73 megabytes 888 4 0.00 bytes 886 31 15.37 megabytes 872 49 2.13 megabytes 820 104 13.76 megabytes 810 38 9.70 megabytes 808 86 11.85 megabytes 764 21 659.09 kilobytes 724 20 4.20 megabytes 700 74 8.87 megabytes 658 70 10.88 megabytes 654 71 10.73 megabytes 626 43 7.61 megabytes 616 65 10.50 megabytes 610 62 9.30 megabytes 610 1 10.89 megabytes 608 38 10.50 megabytes 608 150 12.18 megabytes 594 46 7.24 megabytes 592 74 10.40 megabytes 592 27 13.69 megabytes 588 122 8.94 megabytes 582 51 11.86 megabytes 580 7 3.95 megabytes 580 92 10.47 megabytes 560 72 12.97 megabytes 559 102 6.94 megabytes 552 33 4.81 megabytes 546 43 19.58 megabytes 544 50 6.41 megabytes 532 70 7.40 megabytes 524 27 6.55 megabytes 518 64 9.34 megabytes 518 89 6.54 megabytes 516 37 3.24 megabytes 506 37 5.00 megabytes 490 38 8.54 megabytes 488 63 1.18 megabytes 476 48 7.81 megabytes 472 64 5.35 megabytes 470 76 6.60 megabytes 470 68 8.44 megabytes 466 58 8.65 megabytes 460 63 9.99 megabytes 460 69 9.17 megabytes 458 60 8.83 megabytes 454 101 8.88 megabytes 450 54 8.28 megabytes 448 48 7.28 megabytes 440 70 6.01 megabytes 440 57 8.83 megabytes 434 16 5.74 megabytes 432 30 6.50 megabytes 432 109 11.71 megabytes 430 47 8.19 megabytes 428 71 7.85 megabytes 428 47 9.00 megabytes 422 69 7.77 megabytes 420 22 3.72 megabytes 416 46 10.04 megabytes 412 93 6.67 megabytes 410 99 7.37 megabytes

Recent Accesses
This report displays information about the domain names of people who have visited your web site. If your web server does not manually resolve IP addresses, or you have not configured FastStatsAnalyzer to resolve IP addresses, then only IP addresses will be displayed. IP addresses are 32-bit numbers (like that uniquely identify a computer on the Internet.

Domain Name Hits Users Time of Last Access 68 3 September, 29 2000 04:17:27 PM 6 1 September, 29 2000 03:27:33 PM 6 1 September, 29 2000 03:27:50 PM 6 1 September, 29 2000 03:36:52 PM 4 1 September, 29 2000 03:39:33 PM 2 1 September, 29 2000 03:48:42 PM 4 1 September, 29 2000 03:50:59 PM 4 1 September, 29 2000 03:53:08 PM 2 1 September, 29 2000 04:05:37 PM 20 1 September, 29 2000 04:06:43 PM 4 1 September, 29 2000 04:09:48 PM 6 1 September, 29 2000 04:18:09 PM 4 1 September, 29 2000 04:19:11 PM 6 1 September, 29 2000 04:20:51 PM 56 1 September, 29 2000 04:44:08 PM 6 1 September, 29 2000 04:36:48 PM 4 1 September, 29 2000 04:50:30 PM 2 1 September, 29 2000 05:00:18 PM 6 1 September, 29 2000 05:12:03 PM 34 1 September, 29 2000 05:44:13 PM 18 1 September, 29 2000 05:52:21 PM 6 1 September, 29 2000 05:56:36 PM 4 1 September, 29 2000 06:14:42 PM 2 1 September, 29 2000 06:23:37 PM 6 1 September, 29 2000 06:26:33 PM 26 1 September, 29 2000 07:18:18 PM 4 1 September, 29 2000 06:48:14 PM 4 1 September, 29 2000 06:53:12 PM 32 1 September, 29 2000 07:41:24 PM 2 1 September, 29 2000 07:57:57 PM

Most Requested Pages
This report displays the most requested pages on your web site. Pages are defined as files that end in one of the following extensions: .htm, .html, or .asp.

Page Name Hits Bandwidth
/index.html 19228 103.64 megabytes
/instree/aunchart.htm 5324 27.48 megabytes
/treaties.htm 4740 6.24 megabytes
/searchdevices.htm 3745 8.85 megabytes
/peace/index.html 3620 4.55 megabytes
/africa/index.html 3528 12.34 megabytes
/lawform.html 3336 32.31 megabytes
/links/links.htm 3028 28.59 megabytes
/instree/ainstls1.htm 2870 276.26 megabytes
/instree/ainstls2.htm 2406 12.55 megabytes
/iachr/iachr.html 1754 24.80 megabytes
/bibliog/BIBLIO.htm 1726 365.41 megabytes
/Sindex.html 1634 18.04 megabytes
/localsearch.html 1606 13.85 megabytes
/un-orgs.htm 1514 12.81 megabytes
/instree/women/span-wmn.html 1480 85.29 megabytes
/instree/b3ccpr.htm 1356 53.80 megabytes
/instree/chapter1.html 1308 5.17 megabytes
/instree/auncharter.html 1270 80.76 megabytes
/instree/auox.htm 1240 4.85 megabytes
/regional.htm 1240 4.87 megabytes
/iachr/iachr-sp.html 1170 6.88 megabytes
/instree/afrinst.htm 1146 5.88 megabytes
/instree/intro.html 1088 3.62 megabytes
/instree/women/engl-wmn.html 1064 51.42 megabytes
/us_docs.html 1064 2.62 megabytes
/africa/comision.html 1016 9.76 megabytes
/instree/b1udhr.htm 998 11.74 megabytes
/bibliog/biblios.htm 964 5.00 megabytes
/instree/auob.htm 916 4.32 megabytes
/cases/commissn.htm 910 64.31 megabytes
/asylum/refugee_index.html 908 3.10 megabytes
/instree/k2crc.htm 870 35.84 megabytes
/instree/z1afchar.htm 852 20.47 megabytes
/hrcenter.htm 818 2.03 megabytes
/arabic.html 814 2.11 megabytes
/instree/preamble.html 804 2.14 megabytes
/Streaties.htm 804 1.22 megabytes
/instree/b2esc.htm 802 17.52 megabytes
/bibliog/country.html 782 52.63 megabytes
/demo/biblio.htm 744 55.52 megabytes
/instree/imt1945.htm 732 2.35 megabytes
/undocs/undocs.htm 728 57.92 megabytes
/peace/peaceedu/binder2.html 678 32.88 megabytes
/links/africanlinks.html 676 19.45 megabytes
/icty/icty.html 676 2.20 megabytes
/cat/cat-page.html 674 1.92 megabytes
/instree/d1cerd.htm 662 18.45 megabytes
/instree/auoy.htm 646 17.32 megabytes
/SearchDiana.htm 630 1.77 megabytes
/instree/auoe.htm 616 2.93 megabytes
/bibliog/hro.html 616 73.28 megabytes
/instree/k1drc.htm 598 3.74 megabytes
/instree/e1cedaw.htm 580 15.88 megabytes
/instree/1899b.htm 550 12.55 megabytes
/instree/h2catoc.htm 544 15.85 megabytes
/Findex.html 530 3.71 megabytes
/Ssearchdevices.htm 518 1.30 megabytes
/links/alphalinks.html 512 153.70 megabytes
/instree/auov.htm 508 2.40 megabytes
/instree/chapter7.html 508 4.10 megabytes
/instree/chapter2.html 504 1.45 megabytes
/mnadvocates/index.html 504 164.44 kilobytes
/hrcommittee/hrc-page.html 500 2.49 megabytes
/instree/auoz.htm 486 982.51 kilobytes
/links/ngolinks.html 484 21.60 megabytes
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/instree/spanish/se1cedaw.html 472 15.69 megabytes
/africa/toc.htm 466 2.67 megabytes
/hrcommittee/G9416210.htm 466 3.16 megabytes
/instree/Sainstls1.htm 464 17.96 megabytes
/instree/x1cppcg.htm 464 4.21 megabytes
/iachr/b_11_4cs.htm 456 29.92 megabytes
/instree/Sainstls2.htm 452 2.64 megabytes
/links/hrlinks.html 450 3.18 megabytes
/bibliog/guide.htm 450 10.92 megabytes
/links/intrib.html 444 2.60 megabytes
/instree/auof.htm 444 1.58 megabytes
/africa/Oloka-Onyango.html 440 40.21 megabytes
/oasinstr/zoas3con.htm 434 19.69 megabytes
/instree/y1gcacws.htm 432 19.76 megabytes
/instree/y3gctpw.htm 430 46.98 megabytes
/africa/RWANDA1.htm 428 28.57 megabytes
/asylum/country_conditions.html 424 32.44 megabytes
/commission/commission.htm 412 2.14 megabytes
/instree/chapter5.html 412 2.47 megabytes
/africa/afchild.htm 408 14.78 megabytes
/africa/ACOHRS.htm 408 4.61 megabytes
/links/women.html 396 4.83 megabytes
/education/pihre/index.html 392 145.70 kilobytes
/instree/auok.htm 388 1.14 megabytes
/instree/chapter4.html 386 3.10 megabytes
/instree/spanish/se2cprw.html 376 2.50 megabytes
/instree/chapter3.html 372 704.04 kilobytes
/peace/peacelinks.html 360 14.09 megabytes
/Slawform.html 360 3.66 megabytes
/instree/v1crs.htm 354 11.24 megabytes
/links/Slinks.htm 352 2.60 megabytes
/instree/chapter6.html 348 1.37 megabytes
/oasinstr/szoas3con.html 348 14.69 megabytes

Most Requested Files
This report displays the most requested files on your web site. 'Files' are defined as files that are not Images or Pages.

File Name Hits Incomplete Requests Bandwidth
/gifs/text.xbm 468 0 129.46 kilobytes
/thematic/religion.txt 172 6 36.50 megabytes
/gifs/ 156 0 49.86 kilobytes
/education/belfry.pdf 84 18 11.09 megabytes
/ins/somala93.pdf 84 34 3.12 megabytes
/chrsum.txt 74 0 4.85 megabytes
/iachr/e!11fndo.pdf 70 40 1.19 megabytes
/ins/pakistan.pdf 56 8 7.63 megabytes
/ins/haiti93.pdf 50 10 6.36 megabytes
/ins/ethiop94.pdf 50 6 6.21 megabytes
/education/4r-sp95.pdf 48 6 18.27 megabytes
/ins/mexico95.pdf 48 4 8.17 megabytes
/cases/1%5E94col.pdf 44 12 1.51 megabytes
/iachr/e!18maqr.pdf 42 4 1.36 megabytes
/iachr/!3cruzs.pdf 42 6 13.48 megabytes
/ins/russia94.pdf 42 4 2.74 megabytes
/ins/sudan93.pdf 40 4 2.86 megabytes
/iachr/e!15alrp.pdf 40 8 3.52 megabytes
/africa/onyango.exe 38 4 2.71 megabytes
/africa/e-report.pdf 38 4 11.47 megabytes
/ins/libera94.pdf 38 4 4.94 megabytes
/ins/azerba93.pdf 38 2 1.64 megabytes
/ins/uzbeki95.pdf 36 8 1.52 megabytes
/iachr/!15alrp.pdf 34 0 6.08 megabytes
/iachr/e!19elas.pdf 34 6 936.83 kilobytes
/undocs/dc49751e.pdf 32 8 411.43 kilobytes
/iachr/!19elas.pdf 30 4 1.43 megabytes
/ins/peru95.pdf 30 0 7.30 megabytes
/undocs/vs38652e.pdf 30 2 739.70 kilobytes
/ins/macedo95.pdf 30 0 2.63 megabytes
/iachr/!1seried.pdf 28 6 8.22 megabytes
/undocs/dec36649.pdf 28 4 235.43 kilobytes
/cases/30%5E93gua.pdf 28 0 426.81 kilobytes
/ins/bulgar93.pdf 26 0 1.36 megabytes
/iachr/!12excp.pdf 26 0 1.74 megabytes
/undocs/vs45851e.pdf 26 2 866.53 kilobytes
/ins/turkme94.pdf 26 0 1.33 megabytes
/undocs/dc56751e.pdf 26 2 332.87 kilobytes
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/undocs/dec46343.pdf 26 0 135.00 kilobytes
/iachr/!16ganf.pdf 26 0 2.72 megabytes
/undocs/dec45743.pdf 26 0 114.20 kilobytes
/undocs/vs42850e.pdf 26 0 380.16 kilobytes
/undocs/dc47048e.pdf 26 6 606.07 kilobytes
/iachr/!2faire.pdf 26 0 8.97 megabytes
/undocs/dec33846.pdf 24 0 313.69 kilobytes
/links/ws_ftp.log 24 0 95.51 kilobytes
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/cases/22%5E93col.pdf 24 0 772.79 kilobytes
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/cases/32%5E92col.pdf 22 0 269.53 kilobytes
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/ins/kyrgyz93.pdf 22 0 900.76 kilobytes
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/undocs/dec49145.pdf 20 0 148.60 kilobytes
/undocs/dec41045.pdf 20 0 176.64 kilobytes
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/undocs/dc47750e.pdf 20 0 262.99 kilobytes
/undocs/vs41451e.pdf 20 0 384.13 kilobytes
/undocs/vws37549.pdf 20 0 149.13 kilobytes

Most Requested Images
This report displays the most requested files on your web site. Images are defined as files that end in one of the following extensions: .gif, .jpg, or .jpeg.

Image File Name Hits Incomplete Requests Bandwidth
/gifs/umsmlogo.gif 64962 230 139.66 megabytes
/gifs/BUTTONS.gif 25192 18 28.92 megabytes
/arabic/arabic.gif 13930 10 11.27 megabytes
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Most Requested Directories
This report displays the most requested directories on your web site. Directories are listed when visitors only request a directory directly, i.e., going to instead of

Directory name Hits Bandwidth
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Hits over Time Period
This report displays the number of hits in the date and time period spanned by your log files.

Date/Time Hits Percentage
September 01 25784 4.86%
September 02 8184 1.54%
September 03 19198 3.62%
September 04 12814 2.41%
September 05 15284 2.88%
September 06 16514 3.11%
September 07 16296 3.07%
September 08 12216 2.30%
September 09 11954 2.25%
September 10 24208 4.56%
September 11 27078 5.10%
September 12 17346 3.27%
September 13 15342 2.89%
September 14 17928 3.38%
September 15 12808 2.41%
September 16 8920 1.68%
September 17 22480 4.23%
September 18 19474 3.67%
September 19 18242 3.44%
September 20 20710 3.90%
September 21 19074 3.59%
September 22 13016 2.45%
September 23 8574 1.61%
September 24 24284 4.57%
September 25 23938 4.51%
September 26 31646 5.96%
September 27 24965 4.70%
September 28 26318 4.96%
September 29 16340 3.08%

Bandwidth Over Time Period
This report displays the number of bytes transferred per hour over the past %d hours.

Date/Time Bandwidth (in bytes) Percentage
September 01 210309112 2.80%
September 02 146515890 1.95%
September 03 286673370 3.82%
September 04 193925606 2.58%
September 05 231940374 3.09%
September 06 252831214 3.37%
September 07 200247234 2.67%
September 08 189131532 2.52%
September 09 150498068 2.01%
September 10 176741308 2.36%
September 11 520706028 6.94%
September 12 248909882 3.32%
September 13 243456698 3.24%
September 14 291113182 3.88%
September 15 188535820 2.51%
September 16 154370358 2.06%
September 17 172468864 2.30%
September 18 280203052 3.73%
September 19 320325356 4.27%
September 20 260092500 3.47%
September 21 294231112 3.92%
September 22 219333534 2.92%
September 23 159156088 2.12%
September 24 213434590 2.84%
September 25 332956484 4.44%
September 26 490774992 6.54%
September 27 409335191 5.45%
September 28 438844166 5.85%
September 29 226828466 3.02%

Most Popular Hour of Day
Hour Hits Percentage
12 AM 23548 4.44%
1 10992 2.07%
2 11144 2.10%
3 17410 3.28%
4 13176 2.48%
5 13454 2.53%
6 18408 3.47%
7 20418 3.85%
8 22504 4.24%
9 25652 4.83%
10 32928 6.20%
11 26202 4.94%
12 PM 25146 4.74%
1 24632 4.64%
2 25086 4.72%
3 22370 4.21%
4 22904 4.31%
5 35766 6.74%
6 36518 6.88%
7 27282 5.14%
8 19134 3.60%
9 21161 3.99%
10 16370 3.08%
11 18730 3.53%

Most Popular Day of Week
Day of Week Hits Percentage
Sunday 90170 16.98%
Monday 83304 15.69%
Tuesday 82518 15.54%
Wednesday 77531 14.60%
Thursday 79616 15.00%
Friday 80164 15.10%
Saturday 37632 7.09%

Missing Files (404 errors)
This report displays a record of any 404 errors recorded. 404 errors occur when the file requested was not found.

Requested URL Occurrences
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/info/bibliog/BIBLIO.htm 22

Miscellaneous Errors
This report displays all error messages except 404 file not found errors, which are reserved their own report.

Error Code Requested URL Occurrences Explanation
301 / 1080 Permanent URL relocation
301 /africa 596 Permanent URL relocation
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