4.3 With respect
to an alleged violation of article 6 of the Covenant, the State party indicates
that what the author is complaining of is that Canada might deport him to
El Salvador or to another country that would, in turn, return him to El
Salvador, where allegedly his life could be in danger. Thus, what the author
is in effect claiming is that unless he is given permission to stay in Canada,
article 6 of the Covenant will be contravened. In this connection the State
party observes that there is no right of asylum in the Covenant, and that
a violation of article 6 of the Covenant cannot result from the denial of
asylum. Thus, this aspect of the communication should be declared inadmissible
ratione materiae. Furthermore, the State party adds that the author's fears
are unfounded, since the Government of Canada has publicly stated on several
occasions that it would not return him to El Salvador and has given him
the option of selecting a safe third country.
4.4 With respect
to an alleged violation of article 9 (1)of the Covenant, the State party
indicates that Mr. R's detention from 5 January 1982 to 11 March 1982 was
based on the certificate jointly issued by the Canadian Solicitor General
and by the Minister of Employment and Immigration pursuant to Section 39
of the Immigration Act, stating that "Based on security and criminal
intelligence reports received and considered by us, which cannot be revealed
in order to protect information sources, [the author]is a person described
in paragraph 19 (1)(f)of the Immigration Act, 1976, his presence in Canada
being detrimental to the national interest". Thus, the State party
submits that the lawful detention of an alien against whom there exists
an exclusion order cannot be deemed to constitute arbitrary detention. Furthermore,
the State party explains that in the case of a person seeking asylum, a
reasonable amount of time must be allotted to the authorities to collect
information, investigate, and carefully determine the sensitive question
whether an individual poses a danger to national security. In this context
the State party refers to article 5 (1)(f)of the European Convention on
Human Rights, which specifically provides that "No one shall be deprived
of his liberty save in the following cases and in accordance with a procedure
prescribed by law: . . . the lawful arrest or detention of a person to prevent
his effecting an unauthorized entry into the country or of a person against
whom action is being taken with a view to deportation or extradition".
While article 9 (1)of the Covenant is not as specific as the parallel provision
in the European Convention, the State party submits that the scope of article
9 (1)does not cover detention for the purposes of immigration control and
that this aspect of the communication should be declared inadmissible ratione
4.5 Although the author does not invoke article 13 of the Covenant, the
State party addresses the issue of the expulsion of aliens as provided for
in the Covenant and refers to the Committee's decision in case No. 58/1979
Anna Maroufidou v. Sweden, where the Committee held that her deportation
f ram Sweden did not constitute a violation of the Covenant because she
had been expelled in accordance with the procedure laid down by the State's
domestic law and that there had been no evidence of bad faith or abuse of
power. In this context the Government of Canada asserts that the deportation
proceedings against Mr. R. are in compliance with the requirements of article
13 of the Covenant.
4.6 With respect to an alleged violation of article 14 (1)of the Covenant,
the State party submits that a procedure for the expulsion of an alien which
is specifically envisioned by article 13 of the Covenant cannot be said
to be in violation of article 14. More particularly, the State party observes
that the protections contained in article 14 of the Covenant apply to the
determination of any "criminal charge" or of any "rights
and obligations in a suit at law". It submits that deportation proceedings
do not fall into either of these categories; rather, they fall into the
domain of public law. Since asylum or deportation proceedings are not covered
by the terms of article 14, this aspect of the communication should be declared
inadmissible ratione materiae.
4.7 With respect to an alleged violation of articles 18 and 19 of the Covenant,
the State party objects that the author has not submitted evidence to substantiate
a prima facie case of any violation of his rights to freedom of thought,
opinion and expression. Finally, with respect to an alleged violation of
articles 2 and 26 of the Covenant, the State party submits that the author
has submitted insufficient evidence to disclose a prima facie violation
of these provisions, that his allegations are manifestly ill-founded, and
that these aspects of the communication should be declared inadmissible
as an abuse of the right of submission pursuant to article 3 of the Optional
5.1 Commenting on the State party's submission under rule 91, the author,
on 20 April 1988, reiterates that the order for his expulsion represents
an objective danger to his life and refers to the jurisprudence of the European
Commission of Human Rights in this respect. He further argues that his communication
does not invoke a right of asylum, and that a distinction must be made between
the request for a right of asylum, and asylum resulting from the establishment
of certain mechanisms to remedy violations of the Covenant alleged by individuals.
It was not the deportation order which he denounced but the breach of specific
rights guaranteed by the Covenant.
5.2 With respect to the alleged violation of article 14 (l), the author
advocates a broad interpretation of what constitutes "rights and obligations
in a suit at law". He refers to the Committee's General Comment on
article 14 which states that "the provisions of article 14 apply to
all courts and tribunals within the scope of that article, whether ordinary
or specialized", and suggests that public law disputes also fall under
the scope of application of article 14. Furthermore, he recalls that the
English version of the Covenant protects rights and obligations "in
a suit at law" rather than rights -and obligations "de caractere
civil", as stated in the French version of the Covenant, which therefore
is said to be more restrictive.
5.3 With respect to article 9, the author maintains that this provision
should be applied to all situations where an individual has been deprived
of his liberty, including reasons of immigration control.
5.4 The author concludes that with respect to his other allegations, concerning
violations of articles 18 and 19, he has at least presented prima facie
evidence to the effect that Canada has violated the Covenant. He surmises
that the reason why Canadian authorities want to deport him is because of
his political opinions: "National security grounds cannot be invoked
unless there is justification for this infringement of a right guaranteed
by the Covenant, in this case to be protected against all discrimination.
. . . The State invokes national security grounds against opinions expressed
by an individual as penalizing that individual for having exercised his
right to freedom of expression". The author suggests that the Committee
would be ill-advised to have recourse to restrictive interpretations of
the Covenant, interpretations which would be contrary to its object and
5.5 With regard to his allegation that he has been subjected to discrimination
in violation of articles 2 and 26 of the Covenant the author contends: "that
the Canadian Government's manoeuvres constitute discrimination against foreign
citizens. An alien may not express his opinions, #ought or convictions,
for in exercising these rights he will not receive the same treatment as
a Canadian citizen. The mechanism provided by article 19 (1)(f)of the Canadian
Immigration Act is discriminatory in that the accuracy of information concerning
an alien as regards ideas or opinions allegedly expressed by him is not
verified. The alien cannot enjoy the same protection for his opinions as
a citizen expressing the same .views".
6.1 Before considering any claims contained in a communication, the Human
Rights Committee must, in accordance with rule 87 of its provisional rules
of procedure, decide whether or not it is admissible under the Optional
Protocol to the Covenant.
6.2 The Committee observes that the State party has not contested the author's
claim that domestic remedies have been exhausted. It further notes that
the same matter is not being examined under another procedure of international
investigation or settlement. On the basis of the information before it,
the Committee therefore finds that the communication-meets the requirements
of article 5 (2)of the Optional Protocol.
6.3 The Committee has also examined whether the conditions of articles 2
and 3 of the Optional Protocol have been met. It observes that a right of
asylum is not protected by the Covenant. With regard to the author's allegation
that his right to life under article 6 of the Covenant and that his right
to liberty under article 9 have been violated, the Committee finds that
he has not substantiated either allegation. With regard to Article 6 of
the Covenant, the author has merely expressed fear for his life in the hypothetical
case that he should be deported to El Salvador. The Committee cannot examine
hypothetical violations of Covenant rights which might occur in the future;
furthermore, the Government of Canada has publicly stated on several occasions
that it would not extradite the author to El Salvador and has given him
the opportunity to select a safe third country. With regard to article 9,
the Committee notes that this article prohibits unlawful arrest and detention,
whereas the author was lawfully arrested in connection with his unauthorized
entry into Canada, and the decision to detain him was not made arbitrarily,
especially in view of his insistence not to leave the territory of Canada.
The Committee also found it necessary to determine whether a claim could
be substantiated under article 13, although the author has not invoked it.
It observes that one of the conditions for the application of this article
is that the alien be lawfully in the territory of the State party, whereas
Mr. R. has not been lawfully in the territory of Canada. Furthermore, the
State party has pleaded reasons of national security in connection with
the proceedings to deport him. It is not for the Committee to test a sovereign
State's evaluation of an alien's security rating; moreover, on the
basis of the information before the Committee, the procedures to
deport Mr. R. have respected the safeguards provided for in article 13.
With respect ,to article 14, the Committee notes that even if immigration
hearings and deportation proceedings were to be deemed as constituting "suits
at law" within the meaning of article 14 (1)of the Covenant, as the
author contends, a thorough examination of the communication has not revealed
any facts in substantiation of the author's claim to
be a victim of a violation Of this article. In particular, it emerges
from the author's own submissions that he was given ample opportunity, in
formal proceedings including oral hearings With witness testimony, both
before the Adjudicator and before the Canadian Courts, to present his case
for sojourn in Canada. With respect to articles 18 and 19 of the Covenant,
the Committee notes that the author has not submitted any evidence to substantiate
how his exercise of freedom of conscience or expression has been restricted
in His Canada. apparent contention that the deportation proceedings resulted
from the State party's disapproval of his political opinions is refuted
by the State party's uncontested statement that as early as November 1980
been he had excluded from (para. 4.2 above). Deportation of an alien on
security grounds does not constitute an interference with the rights guaranteed
by articles 18 and 19 of the Covenant. With respect to articles 2 and 26
of the Covenant, the author has failed to establish how the deportation
of an alien on national security grounds constitutes discrimination.
7. The Human Rights Committee therefore decides:
1. The communication
is inadmissible under articles 2 and 3 of the Optional Protocol because
the author's claims, are either
unsubstantiated or incompatible with the provisions of the Covenant;
2. This decision shall be communicated to the author and to the State party.