University of Minnesota

A et al. v. S, Communication No. 1/1976, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/OP/1 at 35 (1984).

Submitted by: A et al. in August 1976
Alleged victims: A et al. and 1,180 other individuals
State party: S
Date of decision: 24 October 1979 (eighth session)

Authors' failure to respond to Committee

The Human Rights Committee,

Considering that no reply has been received from the authors of the communication in response to the Committee's request for further information, set out in paragraph 3 of its decision of 26 January 1978,

Recalling its decisions of 19 July 1978 and 18 April 1979 that the Committee would discontinue consideration of the communication in the absence of a reply from the authors,

Considering that repeated reminders addressed to the authors pursuant to the Committee's decisions of 19 July 1978 and 18 April 1979 have been returned by the postal services after unsuccessful delivery,

Therefore decides:

1. That consideration of the communication be suspended;

2. That this decision be transmitted to the State party and, if possible, to the authors of the communication;

3. That an effort be made, at the same time, to transmit to the authors for information the text of the State party's submission of 5 October 1979 under rule 91 of the Committee's provisional rules of procedure.

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