University of Minnesota

J. J. v. Denmark, Communication No. 60/1979, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/OP/1 at 26 (1984).


Submitted by: J. J. on 14 July 1979
Alleged victim: The author
State party: Denmark
Date of decision on inadmissibility: 26 March 1980 (ninth session)

Inadmissibility ratione materiae

The author of the communication (dated 14 July 1979) is a Danish citizen residing in Denmark. He states that on 1 November 1970 he contracted to buy an eleven-year-old car for DKr 500. He subsequently sought to invalidate the purchase and applied for leave to file a civil suit flee of costs. His application was refused by the district authority and the Ministry of Justice also rejected an application to reverse the decision of the district authority. He then submitted the matter to the Parliamentary Ombudsman. The latter found no circumstances meriting censure of the decisions of the Danish authorities concerned in the case. The author's complaint is directed against the refusal of the Ombudsman to censure the decision of the Ministry of Justice.

The Human Rights Committee, after careful examination of the communication, is of the opinion that the communication does not reveal any evidence of violation of the Covenant by the Danish authorities.

The Human Rights Committee therefore decides: The communication is inadmissible.


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