Americans with Disabilities Act, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101- 12213 (1994).
Articles of Confederation, U.S. Arts. of Confed. (1777).
Common Sense, Thomas Paine, Common Sense (1776).
Emancipation Proclamation, Abraham Lincoln, A Proclamation (Jan. 1, 1863), 12 Stat. 1268.
Fugitive Slave Act, Fugitive Slave Act, ch. 60, 9 Stat. 462 (1850).
Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address (Nov. 19, 1863).
Federalist Papers (Yale Avalon Project site)
Give me Liberty or Give me Death, Patrick Henry, Speech at the Virginia Convention (Mar. 23, 1775).
I Have a Dream, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream, Speech at the March on Washington, D.C., for Civil Rights (Aug. 28, 1963).
Paris Peace Treaty of 1783, Definitive Treaty of Peace [Paris Peace Treaty], signed Sept. 3, 1783, U.S-Great Britain, 8 Stat. 80, T.S. No. 104.
United States Declaration of Independence, The Declaration of Independence (U.S. 1776).
Virginia Declaration of Rights 1776, Va. Declaration of Rights (1776).


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