Communication addressed to the Government on 12 August 1997
Concerning Rachid Mesli
The State is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
1. The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention was established by resolution 1991/42
of the Commission on Human Rights, which extended and clarified its mandate
in resolution 1997/50. In accordance with its methods of work, the Working Group
transmitted the above-mentioned communication to the Government.
2. The Working Group expresses its appreciation to the Government for providing
timely information.
3. The Working Group regards deprivation of liberty as arbitrary in the following
(i) When it is clearly impossible to invoke any legal basis constituting justification
for the situation (as when a person is kept in detention after completion of
sentence or despite an amnesty law applicable to him) (category I);
(ii) When the deprivation of liberty results from prosecution or from a conviction
in connection with the exercise of the rights or freedoms proclaimed in articles
7, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and,
insofar as States parties are concerned, in articles 12, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25,
26 and 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (category
(iii) When the total or partial non-observance of the international norms relating
to the right to a fair trial, established in the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights and in the relevant international instruments accepted by the States
concerned, is of such gravity as to give the character of arbitrariness to the
deprivation of liberty, whatever form the latter takes (category III).
4. In the light of the allegations made, the Working Group welcomes the cooperation
of the Government. The Working Group transmitted the Government’s reply
to the source of the communication and the source made a number of comments.
5. Mr. Rachid Mesli, a human rights lawyer, was arrested on 31 July 1996.
An urgent appeal on his behalf was sent to the Government on 15 August 1996.
According to information received from the source, he was tried on 16 July 1997
in the court of Tizi-Ouzou (100 km to the east of Algiers) and was sentenced
to three years’ imprisonment for “encouraging terrorism” (article
87 (bis) 4 of the Algerian Penal Code), following a trial in which international
standards concerning the right to a fair trial were allegedly not respected.
6. Allegedly, it was not possible for international observers or his family
to attend the trial, which was held in camera, and the defendant’s lawyers
lodged a complaint about the failure of the court to call any witnesses for
the defence. Rachid Mesli was charged with belonging to a terrorist group (articles
86 and 87 (bis) 3 of the Penal Code), and during the trial both the prosecutor
and his lawyers referred to this charge only.
7. However, when the court announced the verdict, Mr. Mesli was acquitted of
the charges for which he had been tried but at the same time was found guilty
of “encouraging terrorism” (article 87 (bis) 4 of the Penal Code),
a charge which did not appear in the indictment against him and which was not
mentioned during the trial itself. It is claimed that this contravenes article
14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and also article
305 of the Algerian Penal Code, which states that if the court wishes to add
a charge to the defendant’s original indictment, then the proceedings
must be reopened so as to allow both the prosecution and the defence to present
their arguments.
8. The source adds that the allegations concerning Mr. Mesli’s arrest
(his abduction and incommunicado detention during which he was reportedly subjected
to ill-treatment and threatened with death) were not taken into consideration
by the court. The source believes that Rachid Mesli was sentenced because of
his human rights activities.
9. In its response the Algerian Government makes the following main points:
(a) Mr. Rachid Mesli was not abducted but was taken in for questioning by the
security services on 31 July 1996 in connection with terrorism-related cases;
(b) He acknowledged that he had been in contact with certain terrorist groups,
which he had met with in secret on four occasions;
(c) After his time in custody, which passed without any incident of note, he
was brought before the prosecutor and then the examining magistrate, who, in
accordance with due procedure, charged him with forming a terrorist group in
order to inflict massacre or destruction, sow terror among the population at
large and impede the smooth running of public institutions, all of which are
offences under articles 77, 84, 87 (bis) and 87 (bis) 1 of the Penal Code;
(d) Although Mr. Mesli did not ask to see a doctor during his custody, the examining
magistrate, at the request of his lawyers, did order a medical inspection by
a medical examiner. In his report the examiner stated that Mr. Mesli was fully
in possession of his mental faculties and that he had an injury to his right
eye rendering him unfit to work for two days. On the subject of this injury,
neither the party concerned nor his lawyers deemed it appropriate to lodge a
(e) At the end of the pre-trial proceedings, Mr. Mesli was brought before the
correctional court of Tizi-Ouzou, where he was sentenced on 16 July 1997 to
three years’ imprisonment and fined 10,000 Algerian dinars, after the
court had reclassified the charges against him as constituting advocacy of crime,
an offence under articles 87 (bis) and article 87 (bis) 4 of the Penal Code
by application of article 306 of the Code of Penal Procedure. The criminal court
had in fact previously responded in the negative to questions relating to the
two charges levelled against him by the committal order of the indictment division;
(f) His trial took place publicly and was widely reported by the media. No one,
whether an observer or a member of his family, was denied access to the courtroom;
(g) Mr. Mesli was defended by a group of 39 lawyers, 25 of whom were present
in court. After consultation, they decided that nine of them should plead on
Mr. Mesli’s behalf;
(h) No request to defend him was submitted by a foreign lawyer.
10. The response of the Government of Algeria was transmitted to the source
on 11 May 1998 for comments, as well as for answers to detailed questions put
by the Working Group. In reply, the source reaffirmed its belief that Rachid
Mesli is a prisoner of conscience, who was detained solely because of his activities
as a human rights advocate.
11. On 23 December 1998, the Working Group asked the source to provide it
with a copy of the Algerian Penal Code, in French if possible, in order to allow
it to render an opinion during its twenty-fourth session. The source responded
on 2 March 1999 by transmitting to the Group a copy of article 305 of the Algerian
Penal Code, the only relevant provision in the source’s opinion, and did
not send the entire Code.
12. The source regrets that the Group has not yet given a ruling on the case
of Mr. Mesli. Furthermore, according to the source, on 8 December 1998, the
Supreme Court overturned the sentence of three years’ imprisonment handed
down against Mr. Mesli, who should therefore be retried. Finally, the source’s
letter drew the attention of the Group to the urgency of giving an opinion on
the detention of Mr. Mesli, who will complete his sentence in July 1999.
13. The Working Group notes that the Government’s response was transmitted
to the source on 28 April 1998 for observations. Unfortunately, the source,
in further comments dated 2 March 1999, merely reiterates the belief that Rachid
Mesli is a prisoner of conscience, without providing any other elements which
would serve to demonstrate that the detention of Mr. Mesli is attributable to
his work as a human rights advocate.
14. In order to establish whether Mr. Mesli belongs to, or collaborates with,
a terrorist group, it is essential to know whether any contacts he may have
had with persons suspected of belonging to armed groups were in his capacity
as defender of individuals detained, persecuted or illegally confined, or in
that of a member of, or collaborator with, such groups. Neither the source nor
the Government was able to produce information allowing this point to be determined.
15. In the light of the foregoing, the Working Group, in accordance with paragraph
17 (d) of its working methods, has decided to shelve the case of Mr. Rachid
Mesli provisionally, since it is not able to obtain sufficient information on
the case.
Adopted on 16 September 1999