OPINION No. 20/2003 (VIET NAM)
Communication addressed to the Government on 28 May 2002.
Concerning: Thadeus Nguyen Van Ly, a Catholic priest
The State is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
1. The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention was established by Commission on
Human Rights resolution 1991/42. The mandate of the Working Group was clarified by
resolution 1997/50 and extended by resolution 2003/31. Acting in accordance with its methods
of work, the Working Group forwarded to the Government the above-mentioned communication.
2. The Working Group conveys its appreciation to the Government for having submitted
information concerning the case.
3. The Working Group regards deprivation of liberty as arbitrary in the following cases:
(i) When it manifestly cannot be justified on any legal basis (such as continued
detention after the sentence has been served or despite an applicable amnesty act)
(category I);
(ii) When the deprivation of liberty is the result of a judgement or sentence for the
exercise of the rights and freedoms proclaimed in articles 7, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20
and 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and also, in respect of
States parties, in articles 12, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26 and 27 of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (category II);
(iii) When the complete or partial non-observance of the international standards
relating to a fair trial set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and
in the relevant international instruments accepted by the States concerned is of
such gravity as to confer on the deprivation of liberty, of whatever kind, an
arbitrary character (category III).
4. In the light of the allegations made, the Working Group welcomes the cooperation of the
Government. It has transmitted the reply provided by the Government to the source, which
provided the Working Group with its comments. The Working Group believes that it is in a
position to render an opinion on the facts and circumstances of the case, in the context of the
allegations made and the response of the Government thereto.
5. According to the information received, Thadeus Nguyen Van Ly, a Vietnamese citizen,
Catholic priest, professor at the Christian Seminary of Hue and former secretary to the Bishop of
Hue, was arrested on 17 May 2001 in central Thua Thien-Hue province by police officers under
order of the provincial People’s Executive Committee for his alleged “failure to abide by the
decisions on his probation issued by authorized State agencies�?. It was alleged that at the time of
his arrest the police used excessive force, beating some parishioners. Police officers were armed
with electric whips, rifles and pistols. Father Ly had just published on the Internet a statement
on the situation of human rights and religious freedom in Viet Nam. It was said that this
document was widely available internationally but unlikely to be read by the majority of
Vietnamese people.
6. Father Ly had been sentenced in December 1983 to 10 years’ imprisonment for
“opposing the revolution and destroying the people’s unity�?. He had previously spent one year
in prison from 1977 to 1978, without charge or trial. He spent nine more years in prison,
deportation and forced-labour camps, between May 1983 and July 1992. Released, he was kept
under strict police surveillance.
7. Authorities first detained Father Ly in 1977, after he distributed copies of a bishop’s
letter criticizing arrests of Buddhist monks and alleged religious intolerance in Viet Nam. In
November 1994, he published a “ten-point statement on the state of the Catholic Church in the
Hue diocese�?, criticizing alleged State appropriation of Church propriety, the interference of the
State in Church teaching and the lack of places in seminaries for men to train for the priesthood.
In 1999, he organized the distribution of relief supplies to people who had lost basic necessities
in the heavy flooding that affected Viet Nam that year, and established various relief projects
after the flooding. According to the source, these activities, financed with aid from abroad, were
regarded with suspicion by the authorities.
8. In December 2000, Father Ly became involved in a stand-off with the authorities over the
right of villagers to cultivate Church land, which the authorities reportedly wished to confiscate;
he then issued several appeals, calling for more religious freedom, for the return of Church
properties, for the end of the State interference in religious affairs and for the release of all
prisoners detained for their religious beliefs.
9. The official media in Viet Nam have on several occasions waged a public
vilification campaign against Father Ly. On 26 March 2001, an article was published in
Quan Doi Nhan Dan, the army newspaper, accusing him of being “a puppet for the reactionary
and hostile forces in foreign countries�? and asking why, in spite of the surveillance order
imposed on him, he continued to display provocative behaviour and to spread lies about the party
and the State, with the intention of inciting and causing rifts among Catholics.
10. On 19 October 2001, Father Ly was sentenced to 15 years in prison and five years in
probationary detention by a People’s Court in Hue in application of articles 87 and 269 of the
Penal Code. He was found guilty of undermining national unity, sabotaging the national
solidarity police and refusing to obey his house arrest order. Father Ly was then taken to
Thua Phu prison at Hue. In November 2001, he was transferred to Ba Sao Nam Ha camp in
Phu Ly district, Ha Nam province in north Viet Nam, a forced-labour camp under the authority
of the Ministry of the Interior.
11. It was alleged that Father Ly’s last trial took only fours hours and was held in closed
session. He was not allowed to be assisted by a defence lawyer nor allowed to call witnesses on
his behalf. According to the source, his trial did not conform to international minimum standards
for a fair trial.
12. Father Ly has spent much of the last 27 years attempting to peacefully exercise his rights
to freedom of expression, belief and worship. He has never used or advocated violence. He has
been detained and sentenced solely for his non-violent religious and political views.
13. In its reply, the Government stated that it is totally untrue that Nguyen Van Ly’s
detention and sentence are a punishment for peacefully exercising his rights and freedoms, that
in Viet Nam no one shall be detained or punished for exercising his legal rights and freedoms,
and that only those who are charged with having violated the law shall be tried, in strict
compliance with the law.
14. According to the Government, Nguyen Van Ly is a recidivist. In 1983 he was convicted
by the provincial People’s Court of Binh Tri Thien province to 10 years of imprisonment for
having violated the law by committing crimes of undermining the people’s unity and provoking
serious public disorder. On 17 May 2001, Ly was arrested for repeating acts in violation of
the law as such. After a thorough investigation process, a public trial of his case was held
on 19 October 2001 by the People’s Court of Thua Thien - Hue province. The trial was
conducted in strict accordance with the law. Two procurators defended Ly: Hoang Minh Duc
and Tran Dinh Chau. The court convicted Ly for the crimes of undermining the national unity
policy (article 87, 1 of the Penal Code of Viet Nam) and refusing to abide by the relevant
administrative decisions of competent State agencies (article 269 of the Penal Code of
Viet Nam).
15. Acting in accordance with its methods of work, the Working Group forwarded the
information supplied by the Government to the source, so that it could make additional
comments, which it has done. The source stated that the Government’s response failed to supply
facts or additional information to support allegations regarding compliance with Vietnamese
laws and procedures, and also failed to provide any documentation and information to support
their assertions. The source concluded that the Government detained Nguyen Van Ly in
connection with the peaceful expression of his beliefs and has failed to afford him the procedural
protections guaranteed by domestic law and international treaties.
16. The Government has declared that Thadeus Nguyen Van Ly has been condemned for
endangering national unity and disrupting public order and that the national law has been applied
accordingly, without giving any specific details of the nature of the charges against him and
without invalidating the argument submitted by the source, that the detention and sentencing of
Nguyen Van Ly followed the peaceful exercise of religious, trade union and political activities.
17. The Government has not presented convincing arguments to invalidate the allegations
from the source, who argues that Nguyen Van Ly was sentenced to 13 years of detention because
he had published articles critical of the Government and of the Communist Party and his trial had
not respected international norms.
18. Consequently, the Working Group is led to conclude that Father Nguyen Van Ly was
arrested and sentenced to prison for having peacefully exercised his right to freedom of opinion
and expression guaranteed in article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and article
19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
19. As the Working Group has indicated in several opinions concerning Viet Nam and in the
report following its visit to that country, vague and imprecise charges such as those mentioned in
articles 87 and 269 of the Penal Code do not allow a distinction between armed and violent acts
that endanger national security and the peaceful exercise of the right to freedom of opinion and
expression. For this reason, the Working Group is convinced that Thadeus Nguyen Van Ly has
been arrested and detained only for his opinions, in violation of article 19 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and of article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights, to which Viet Nam is a party.
20. In the light of the foregoing, the Working Group renders the following opinion:
The deprivation of liberty of Father Thadeus Nguyen Van Ly is arbitrary, being in
contravention of article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and article 19
of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and falls within category II of
the categories applicable to the consideration of the cases submitted to the Working
21. Consequent upon the opinion rendered, the Working Group requests the Government to
take the necessary steps to remedy the situation and bring it into conformity with the standards
and principles set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Adopted on 27 November 2003