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Applied Human Rights Research

Most actors in the human rights field do not have the time or opportunity to do careful research before they act. The Human Rights Center stands just behind the front lines of action and develops insights, analytical tools, guidelines, etc. for use by advocates and other actors.  The foremost criterion for such research is the degree to which research can inform and be useful to policy makers and other actors.

The Human Rights Center is presently assisting the U.N. Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in preparing human rights guidelines for companies.

The Human Rights Center is also working with the U.N. Sub-Commission in preparing studies on contemporary forms of slavery and on the rights of non-citizens.


In the past decade, the Human Rights Center has:

-Worked with the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights in preparing the High Commissioner's guidelines for responding to trafficking in persons.

-Developed with the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights a Training Manual for Human Rights Monitors, which covers information-gathering, interviewing, visiting prisons and refugee camps, trial observation, preparing reports, interventions with authorities, conflict resolution, designing follow-up training, and skills testing. 

-Cooperated with the United Nations, the Max Planck Institute, and Amnesty International in preparing studies on the international and comparative aspects of the right to a fair trial.

-Assisted the U.N. in preparing a Handbook of International Standards relating to Pre-trial Detention.

-Worked with Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights and the International Service for Human Rights in preparing manuals on human rights work in the U.N. Commission on Human Rights and its Sub-Commission.

-Prepared a review of the effectiveness of UNESCO human rights complaint procedures.

-The Human Rights Center occasionally assists lawyers with litigation and/or submits amicus curiae briefs in important cases.



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